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FIA UB Holds a National Seminar on Media Politicization

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Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a National Seminar entitled "Digitalization, Commodification, and Politicization of Media Information" at Savana Hotel, Thursday (15/9). The event which is included in the series of commemoration of the 56th FIA UB Anniversary was held thanks to the collaboration between FIA UB and the National Press Monument, an institution that stands under the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. Present as the main resource person at the event were Prof. Dr. Henri Subiakto (Menkominfo Expert Staff for Communication and Mass Media), Drs. Bambang Semedi (Press Practitioner and Palace Journalist for 4 Presidents), and Dr. Suryadi, MS. (Media Communication Expert and Lecturer in Public Administration Department of FIA UB).

"We are very concerned about media issues because no matter how good a program or policy is made, if the media has negative pretensions, then the program or policy can turn into a negative one." BadPolicy. If it's like that, it won't produce a good implementation, "said Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriono MS. , Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya in his speech.

Dekan FIA UB menyampaikan sambutan dalam seminar nasional
The Dean of FIA UB delivers remarks at the national seminar

“Let's build together so that the media stays together good policy, so that it can produce a good implementation. If the implementation is good, then there will be a good evaluation and so on," said the Dean.

"In science public policy, the role of the media is one of the very strategic things that needs to get attention, "said the Dean.

Suasana seminar nasional
The atmosphere of the national seminar

According to the Dean, Governance in carrying out its functions really needs the role of the media with the aim that the implementation of development can bring maximum benefits to society.

"Our hope is that this national seminar can bring the media to support the implementation of useful development," concluded the Dean.


Coverage Team:

Article/Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Article Courtesy: Agus Yuwono (Radio Andalus)

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