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Workshop on the Indonesian Public/State Administration Core Curriculum

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For two consecutive days, from Friday (21/7) to Saturday (21/7), heads of public/state administration study programs from all over Indonesia gathered at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (UB). Those who are joined in Indonesian Association of Public Administration (IAPA) was present in order to participate in the "Public/State Administration Core Competency Workshop & Socialization of the Village Building University Program". The activity was held with the aim of discussing what core competencies every graduate of the public/state administration study program should have. The activity, which was centered in the Hall of Building A FIA UB 4th Floor, was also attended by the Chairman of the IAPA Central Executive Board (DPP), Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo.

Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo gave a speech

In his opening remarks, the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono MS said that this activity is very important because the development of administrative science is very dynamic. In addition, the Dean also appreciated IAPA's steps in taking the initiative to organize the "University Builds Villages" program. The Dean hopes that this activity can support the village empowerment program in accordance with the law. “The law mandates the establishment of an independent village government and village community. So we as academics need to participate in the success of this goal, "said the Dean.

Meanwhile, the Head of the IAPA DPP Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo expressed his gratitude because this activity could be attended by 49 study programs out of 68 IAPA members. According to the former Deputy Minister for Empowerment of the State Apparatus, the presence of the majority of IAPA members is very important because there are world trends that must be considered in future core competencies. Among them is the issue of changes in the demographics of the world's population and changes in the polarity of economic development from West to East with China as the axis. "For this reason, the 15 compulsory courses that will be discussed in this forum must be able to embrace these important world issues," said the Dean of FIA UI.

Dr Hermawan (second from the right) signed the inauguration minutes, witnessed by Prof Dr Eko Prasojo (left)

The opening ceremony of the workshop was interspersed with the performance of the Mask Dance which was beautifully presented by FIA UB students. After the opening by the Dean, there was also an agenda for inaugurating the IAPA Regional Representative Council (DPD) management for East Java Province for the 2017-2020 period. Appointed as Chair for this period was Dr. Hermawan MSi, a lecturer at FIA UB.

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