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The FIA UB Student Choir Team Won the General Champion of the 2015 ITB Choir Festival

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Achievements at the national level returned to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB). This time, students who are members of the Administratio Choir Student Choir (PSM) presented the title of General Champion in the 2015 Choir Festival organized by the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). This prestigious choir competition, which has entered its 24th year, was passed by the Administratio Choir in a very strict process from 26 January to 2 February 2015.

Tim PSM Administratio Choir berpose bersama setelah menerima trofi juara
The PSM Administratio Choir team posed together after receiving the championship trophy

A series of judges who have been criss-crossing the field of music have also made the journey even more meaningful, including Aning Katamsi, a famous Indonesian sopranos, and Nyak Ina Raseuki or who is usually called Mbak Ubiet, one of Indonesia's best vocal coaches. And what's more, from the preliminary round to the final, the Administratio Choir always gets the highest score. "After the final round, we only found out from one of the judges that it turned out that even in the preliminary round, our score was already the highest among the 13 teams from various leading universities in Indonesia at that time, namely 82.13," said Agung, one of the Administratio personnel. Choirs.

The achievements achieved by these students are not through a short process. The Administratio Choir and their conductor, Agustinus Wahyu Permadi, started their regular practice eight months earlier. And during the competition process, the Administratio Choir team had to be willing to undergo quarantine for several days to maintain their health, especially their voices. “We are very proud and grateful for the title that the Administratio Choir children brought home. It's not in vain that their hard work so far has brought home a trophy and a gold medal," said the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, FIA UB, Dr. Sri Mangesti Rahayu.

Congratulations to the Administratio Choir of FIA UB. Keep working. (DPS/ALA/FIA)

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