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Visit of Singapore Polytechnic and FIA UB to CV. Superior

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In a series of activities visiting students and lecturers from the School of Business, Singapore Polytechnic, to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences yesterday, Wednesday, 17 September 2014, the group accompanied by the Assistant Dean I of the FIA, several lecturers from the Department of Business Administration, and FIA students who are members of the Administrative English Club (AEC) visited a local company that has been considered successful in expanding its business to various countries, namely CV. Superior.

The company, which is located in the Song-Song area, Singosari District, Malang Regency, is engaged in manufacturing premium class furniture made from plastic pellets. The plastic pellets are processed in such a way that they can be used as woven materials to make the furniture. On this occasion, the group was shown the entire process of making furniture, starting from processing plastic pellets into woven materials, iron cutting, painting, welding, to weaving. While looking around, the group was guided by Reza, one of the sons of the owner of CV. Excel Mr. Flores.

The entourage seemed very happy and satisfied with the visit. This was revealed by Lynn Zhou as a companion lecturer from Singapore Polytechnic. He admitted that he gained a lot of new knowledge and experience from a day's visit to Malang City, especially from guest lectures delivered by lecturers from the Department of Business Administration and visits to CV. excel this. “Again, big thank you for your hospitality. My students and I got so many experiences from this visit,” said Lynn.

FIA Assistant Dean I, Dr. MR Khairul Muluk, who participated in the visit also expressed his pleasure with the visit. He admitted that he also gained a lot of valuable knowledge and experience from seeing the process of making furniture at CV. The superior. “I am very impressed with all the work that is here. This experience must also be shared with our students at FIA, especially learning about the world of business and entrepreneurship," said Dr. Grandiose.

After the visit, the two groups split up. The Singapore Polytechnic group of students and lecturers headed back to Singapore via Surabaya, while the FIA group returned to campus. (ALA)

Pemilik CV. Unggul sedang menjelaskan proses kerja dalam usahanya kepada rombongan mahasiswa Singapore Polytechnic
CV owner. Unggul is explaining the work process in his business to a group of Singapore Polytechnic students
Pembantu Dekan I FIA UB, Dr. M.R. Khairul Muluk, memberikan cinderamata kepada Ms. Lynn Zhou (Singapore Polytechnic)
Assistant Dean I FIA UB, Dr. MR Khairul Muluk, gave souvenirs to Ms. Lynn Zhou (Singapore Polytechnic)
Kedua rombongan dan manajemen CV. Unggul berfoto bersama
The two groups and the management of CV. Take a photo together

(More interesting photos can be seen at FIA UB Unofficial Facebook Pages)

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