Surabaya State University Visits FIA UB to Learn and Explore Opportunities for Joint MBKM

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This morning (24/3) FIA UB received a visit from Surabaya State University. The meeting was held in the Meeting Room of Building B, 2nd floor. The visit was in the context of elaborating forms of cooperation in the implementation of MBKM. Present to meet the Unesa group were the leadership and all the managers of the S1 study program in FIA UB.

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Arik Prasetya, M.Sc., Ph.D explained that the visit was actually a follow-up to the MBKM collaboration that had been carried out by the Education Administration Undergraduate Study Program last year. However, in the future, Unesa wants to collaborate more broadly with other FIA UB study programs. Apart from that, Unesa's arrival at FIA UB was to learn the management of MBKM implementation which has been carried out by FIA UB so far. "They want to learn best practices from us for MBKM," said Wadek.

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