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Staffing Meeting for Lecturers in the Department of Business Administration

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The Department of Business Administration today, September 1 2014, held a staffing meeting to determine class distribution for all lecturers within the department. The meeting was chaired directly by the Head of the Department of Business Administration, Prof. Dr. Endang Siti Astuti, and was attended by dean officials, all study program heads and study program secretaries within the Department of Business Administration, and all lecturers.

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In his remarks, Prof. Endang stated several things related to several new rules in the 2013 IQF curriculum that needed to be followed to increase learning effectiveness.

Meanwhile, the Dean of FIA, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, who was also present at the occasion said that the number of students admitted to FIA in the 2014/2015 school year was slightly reduced in order to balance the ratio of the number of lecturers and students. According to Dikti rules, the ideal ratio of the number of lecturers and students is 1:30, so that learning can be carried out more optimally.

In addition, the Business Administration Study Program stipulates that starting in 2014, every undergraduate thesis comprehensive examination will be preceded by a presentation by students who are undergoing trial. Presentations can be made in Indonesian or English, and the examiner can also give questions in both languages. (ALA)

(Photos of the meeting atmosphere can be seen on the Facebook Page FIA UB Unofficial)

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