S1 Education Administration Study Program The Arrival of Five Inbound Students from the Philippines

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The Undergraduate Education Administration Study Program officially accepted five Inbound Students from Tarlac Agricultural University, Philippines on Wednesday (22/3). Acceptance is officially packaged in a “Welcome Party” which took place in the Apple Meeting Room, UB Guest House. This event is a form of collaboration carried out by the Education Administration Study Program with Tarlac Agricultural University. The five students are Joshua Emmanuel Panganiban, Yna Marie Cortez, Mia Ashley Enriquez, Heycel Jalica Ontario, and Ma Luisa Yadao.

Dean of FIA UB Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D welcomes students with open arms. He invited the students from the Philippines to be active and learn many things while here. “Don't be shy, just pretend you're in your own country. We hope to get a lot of insight from the activities carried out while at FIA UB," said the Dean. The Dean also closed his remarks with the hope that this kind of collaboration could take place every year.

While in UB, the five students will take part in a series of academic and non-academic activities. The academic activities he participated in included attending regular study program classes, seminars, and teaching practice at partner schools of Brawijaya Smart School (BSS). While non-academic activities are in the form of cultural and tourist visits to Malang Raya.

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