Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held "Halal Bihalal Big Family of Administrative Sciences Faculty of Brawijaya University“, Tuesday (12/7). The event, which was centered in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor, seemed to take place lively with the presence of the entire academic community from lecturers and education staff, both those who were still active and those who had retired.
The first opportunity to deliver a speech was given to Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Achmadi, one of the professors of FIA UB who has retired. To the audience, Prof. Arifin briefly recounted the traces of his career as a lecturer at FIA UB. According to Prof. Arifin, the situation of FIA UB in the past was very different from now. At that time, the lecturers, including Prof. Arifin, had to be willing to move teaching places to enter villages because of the building's location. "I remember we had to go to villages to teach, like in the Jodipan area, with a salary of only one hundred thousand per month," he said.

The next speech was delivered by the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS. The dean, who was also accompanied by his wife and the dean's assistants and their respective spouses, conveyed their deepest apologies for all the shortcomings in terms of service so far. The Dean emphasized all efforts to increase the faculty, including the main reference for the establishment of faculties of administrative sciences throughout Indonesia and various foreign collaborations that are being forged. “However, we are aware that there must be deficiencies in our service. Therefore, we apologize physically and mentally to the academic community," said the Dean.
After the remarks, the event was closed by shaking hands between the academic community. The faculty leaders and the professors stood in a row in front of the hall, while other FIA UB members lined up to shake hands with the leaders.
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Article/Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz