Faculty of Administrative Sciences Prayer Room
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Baitul 'Alim prayer room
The prayer room is one of the facilities for a place of worship for all academicians of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Muslim guests. The Baitul 'Alim prayer room is located next to the FIA gazebo. In addition, mosque users can worship comfortably because the cleanliness of the prayer room is always well maintained and equipped with supporting facilities for worship, such as prayer mats, mukenas, and sarongs.
The following are some of the facilities of the Baitul 'Alim Mushola:
- Worship Tools
- Mineral water
- Toilets and Ablution Places
- Shoe rack
- Deposit box
Mosque location
Jl. MT. Haryono, Ketawanggede, Kec. Lowokwaru, Malang City, East Java 65145