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The 3rd Most Clean and Comfortable FIA Environment from All Faculties and Work Units in UB

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) won third place in the Cleanliness and Healthy Environment Contest throughout the University of Brawijaya. The awarding of the title was carried out in conjunction with the Open Senate Meeting of Universitas Brawijaya in the framework of UB's 52nd Anniversary, Monday (5/1). Commenting on this achievement, the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Bambang Supriyono, MS expressed his gratitude for the results of the work... Read more

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South Korea Political Expert: Indonesia will be among 5 Developed Countries in The World

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Precisely 1 week after the World Corruption Day, Governmental Administration Program of Public Administration Department, Administration Faculty of Brawijaya University (FIA UB) held an International Guest Lecture themed 'Anti Corruption Policy in Korea'. That theme suited the most for it's been more than half a century of Indonesia's independence day; we're still trapped in endless corruption … Read more

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South Korean Political Expert: Indonesia will Become 5 Developed Countries in the World

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Exactly 1 week after World Corruption Day, Public Administration Science Interest Program Public Administration Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held an International Guest Lecture with the theme "Anti Corruption Policy in Korea". The theme was considered suitable to be chosen considering that after more than half a century the nation of Indonesia has been independent, we are still trapped in the problem of "corruption" which... Read more

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South Korean Library Expert Appointed to Become Guest Lecturer in Library Science Study Program

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Unlike usual, today, Wednesday (17/12), the Introduction to Archiving class got the special opportunity to learn directly from Prof. Jungyeoun Lee, an expert in Library and Information Science from South Korea. Accompanied by Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan, the lecturer in charge of the course, for about an hour Lee explained the ins and outs of the world of literature in the Indonesian context, … Read more

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Librarian Expert From South Korea Appointed as a Guest Lecture in Library Science Program

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Rarely today, Wednesday (12/17), the class of Introduction to the Archive has the exceptional opportunity to directly learn from Prof. Jungyeoun Lee, an expert of Library Science and Information from South Korea. Accompanied by Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan, lecture of that subject, for more than one hour Lee explained the world of Library in the context of … Read more

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Step on the Gas, Tourism Study Program Holds Curriculum Workshop within FIA's Internal Scope

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After receiving the official permit for implementation by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti) this semester, the Tourism Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) is moving quickly in preparing all needs, one of which is the curriculum. Therefore, the study program under the auspices of the Department of Business Administration held a Tourism Study Program Curriculum Workshop, Wednesday (10/12). … Read more

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Moving Forward, Tourism Program held Curriculum Workshop for FIA Intern

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After being authenticated by the Directorate General of University (Dikti) in this semester, the Tourism Program of Administration Faculty in Brawijaya University (FIA UB) moves forward in preparation, one of which is curriculum. In that case, the study program under the department of business administration held a Curriculum Workshop of Tourism Program, on Wednesday (12/10). The event … Read more

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Raising the theme of Organizational Change, FIA UB Invites Malaysian Lecturers in Guest Lectures

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Public Administration Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), held an International Guest Lecture with the theme "Managing Organizational Change: Leadership Perspective". This International Guest Lecture is held as one of the efforts of the Administrative Sciences Study Program in appreciating the mission of Universitas Brawijaya to become a World Class University and at the same time as a form of sharing knowledge. Speakers at the event… Read more

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Founded FIA, Delegation of the University of Indonesia 'Studyed' at FIA UB

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Soon, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) will have a friend in the development of administrative sciences in Indonesia. Yes, through a very long process and discussion, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI) will soon be established, at least after receiving official approval from the Senate of the University of Indonesia on 20 November 2014 ago. That's what was said... Read more

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Developing Administration Faculty, Lecturers from University of Indonesia “Learn” from FIA UB

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In any time soon, the Administration Faculty of Brawijaya University (FIA UB) will have a new friend in developing administration expertise in Indonesia. Indeed, through a long process and discussion, Administration Faculty of Indonesia University (FIA UI) will be released soon, at least after the authentication from Senate of Indonesia University in November 20th 2014. It … Read more

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