FIA UB, Public Relations, Phe opening of the 53rd FIA UB Dies Natalis commemoration took place on Tuesday, October 8, 2013. The strains of religious music from the “Al ishah Al Banjari FIA UB” Group, led by Dr. Zainul Arifin, MS and also the Gamelan and karawitan Group “FIA Raras Sekar Arum” led by Drs. Suwondo, MS and the FIA UB Student Dance Studio accompanied the opening of this Dies Natalis. The event was lively, starting with the recitation of the holy verses of the Qur'an solemnly and devoutly by student members of Al-Islah Al Banjari FIA UB and the reading of the meaning (in Javanese) by a lecturer from the Department of Business Administration Supriono, S.Sos, MAB.
This thanksgiving event was held in the lobby of FIA UB Building A lt.1 by inviting FIA UB academics, namely lecturers and education staff and students represented by delegates from faculty autonomous institutions (LOF) in FIA UB, employee lecturers Retired FIA and alumni of FIA UB include the Regent of Pasuruan, Dr. Dede Angga. Dr. Riyanto, M.Hum who acted as the MC, then guided the event with remarks, including from Mr. Dr. Choirul Muluk, MS as the head of the organizing committee for the 53rd Anniversary of FIA UB, next is the speech from Mr. Suparno, former head of FIA Administration, was then greeted by FIA elders who are also professors at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, namely Prof. Dr. Taher Alhabsyi (Department of Business Administration) and Prof. Dr. Soesilo Zauhar, MS (Department of Public Administration).
They both emphasized the importance of togetherness of the entire Academic Community in building FIA UB. Then the last speech was by Mr. Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS Dean of FIA UB. Prof. Bambang said that with the advice from the FIA elders in his previous speech, he is optimistic that FIA will progress further in the future by continuing to maintain brotherhood, friendship between academic communities and of course, the qualified competence produced by its graduates later. While hoping for Allah's blessing, so that all of these hopes can be fulfilled.
The last event was the tumpeng cutting event as a sign of gratitude to Allah SWT. After Dr. Zainul Arifin led the prayer, the Dean and his wife, accompanied by Vice Dean II Dr. Zainul Arifin, MS and his wife and Vice Dean III Drs. Heru Susilo, MA and his wife handed over pieces of tumpeng to FIA senior Mr. Prof. Dr. Taher Al-Habsyi, pieces of tumpeng were also handed over to FIA alumni who were present, including: Mr. Dr. Dede Angga, Pasuruan regent (Public Relations/SP).