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News of the Death of Mr. Dr. Imam Hardjanto, MAP

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Inalillahi Wa inailaihi Rojiun. Has passed away to Rahmatullah Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya Mr. Dr. Imam Hardjanto, on Tuesday, 10 June 2014 at the age of 68, address Jl. Bareng Raya II/320 Malang.

The body will be buried after the midday prayer and after the funeral prayer is carried out at the nearest mosque from the deceased's house. The entire academic community of FIA UB express their deepest condolences on his death.

Hopefully he will get the best place in the sight of Allah SWT, be rewarded with all his kindness and good deeds and forgive all his sins. For the family left behind (Imam's mother and family) I hope you will be given patience.

Hopefully his exemplary role model in developing administrative science, entrepreneurship and public administration majors in particular can be followed up and become an inspiration for the entire UB academic community. Amen. (PSIK Humas FIA UB/Private Priambada).


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