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Farewell and Welcome Deputy Dean of FIA UB for the 2017-2021 period

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a farewell ceremony for the deputy deans for the 2017-2021 period. In the event which was attended by the elders, lecturers, and educational staff of FIA UB, the Dean of FIA UB Prof Dr Bambang Supriyono MS officially introduced the new vice deans, respectively Yusri Abdillah PhD (Vice Dean I), Dr Hamidah Nayati Utami MSi (Deputy Dean II), and Dr. Mohammad Rozikin MSi (Deputy Dean III). On the same occasion, the Dean handed over souvenirs to the vice deans of the previous period. 

Dean (left) with deputy deans for 2013-2017 and 2017-2021 periods

In his single remarks at the event which was held in the Hall of Building A, 4th floor, the Dean expressed his gratitude for the hard work of the previous vice deans. The Dean also explained several achievements during his past leadership, including national and international accreditation achievements, provision of facilities and infrastructure in the form of new buildings that were built on time, improvements to the employee salary remuneration system, and achievements in student affairs. "We express our deepest gratitude for the dedication of Mr. Mujibur Rahman Khairul Muluk, Mr. Heru Susilo, and Mrs. Sri Mangesti Rahayu in the previous period," said the Dean who served again for the second term.

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