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PKM Strategy Training Towards Pimnas

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Located in the Hall of Building A, Floor 4 of FIA UB yesterday (27/5), dozens of students who are members of the Research Study Club (RSC) of FIA UB seemed serious about listening to the speakers' presentations in the "Student Creativity Program (PKM) Strategy Towards Pimnas" event. This activity was held in collaboration with RSC and UB Student Affairs which was facilitated by UB FIA Student Affairs. This event was held to encourage students, especially FIA UB students, to participate in solving problems that exist in society and improve the quality of life of the community through various creative activities. In addition, the selected activity proposals will later be selected to represent UB in the Pimnas event in Kendari.

Pembantu Dekan III FIA UB Dr. Sri Mangesti Rahayu memberikan sambutan
Assistant Dean III of FIA UB Dr. Sri Mangesti Rahayu gave a speech

In yesterday's training activities, there were three materials each delivered by different speakers. The first material related to PKM socialization was delivered by Dr. Ir. Eko Widodo, M.Agr.Sc (Assistant Dean III of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry), then continued with material on how to find ideas presented by Dr. Suryadi, MS (Deputy Head III of UB Kediri). Furthermore, Andy Nurmansyah, M.Hum (Assistant Dean III of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences) shared tips on increasing interest in writing. Finally, PKM technical guidance was held which was directed directly by Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MS (Expert Staff to Vice Chancellor III). (ALA/FIA)

Suasana Pelatihan PKM
PKM Training Atmosphere

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