In order to accommodate the community in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), the Student Executive Body (BEM) held an event titled Paramafia. For the second time, Paramafia was successfully held with a different theme at each event. The event which took place in the basement of building A FIA UB on Monday (24/9/2019) also invited eight FIA UB communities to fill in the stands.
The event, which was held until 15.00 WIB, carried the theme "Mafia Kawula Expression". The eight communities include Vespa, Teroso,, Ayyymarg, Gregunero, 88G, and Noctural Goods. Different from the first, Paramafia now invites more communities than before.

In the future, it is hoped that Paramafia will continue and be even bigger.