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Monitoring of FIA Public Relations, UAS Runs Smoothly and Orderly

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The 2014/2015 Odd Semester Final Examination (UAS) will end soon. Scheduled for next Monday (19/1) is the last day for the exam which has the greatest assessment weight in all these subjects. In general, the UAS process this semester ran orderly and smoothly. "Thank God, in general it went smoothly," said Jaedi, SP., Head of Academic Subdivision, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB). Students as UAS participants took the exam well, diligently and with full concentration, while the exam supervisor, consisting of educational staff within the scope of FIA UB, has carried out their duties well according to the specified schedule.

Are there any problems during the UAS? Jaedi revealed that there are always several cases experienced by students taking UAS. For example, there are students who arrive late or are not allowed to take the UAS from the start because they do not meet the requirements for face-to-face attendance in class. To them, the academic authorities took a firm stance in not allowing the students concerned to take the UAS. "Cases like that usually happen, but we try to be consistent with the regulations so that it becomes a lesson for students," said Jaedi, who was met when he was about to perform Friday prayers.

Why do academics act so firmly? This needs to be done to provide moral lessons for students so that they are disciplined in following each stage of college, one of which is the UAS. "We want to be part of the moral learning process for students, solely for their own good," continued this friendly man born in Purbalingga, Central Java. This attitude is supported by the ranks of the FIA UB deans. Based on the monitoring of FIA UB Public Relations, several times students who were affected by the category came to the Assistant Dean I Dr. MR Khairul Muluk to request permission to be included in the UAS. However, both Lidya Pratiwi, Assistant Staff to Dean I, and Muluk himself who met the students still adhered to the regulations that had been set.

Indeed, learning attitudes and morals is something that is important nowadays, even more important than cognitive learning through class material. This was once expressed by Prof. Munawar some time ago. According to the Head of LP3 UB, many UB graduates are rejected by the world of work because of their weak attitudes. “I often hear it myself from employers who have interviewed UB graduates. "They believe in the intelligence of UB graduates, but unfortunately they lack the attitudes and morals needed to be successful in the world of work," he said. Learning attitudes and morals is a shared responsibility so that our students can achieve true success in their future lives. (ALA/FIA)

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