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Aulia Luqman Aziz Wins 1st Place in Photo Competition and 2nd Place in News Writing

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Deputy of Public Relations of PSIK FIA UB Aulia Luqman Aziz SS SPd MPd managed to bring home the achievement of the competition organized by the Archives and Public Relations Subdivision of Universitas Brawijaya. Luqman, as he is nicknamed, managed to get the title of 1st place in the News Photo Competition and 2nd place in the News Writing Competition. The two competitions were held on the sidelines of the "Institutional Branding Through Online Media" Workshop for two days at the Kusuma Agrowisata Batu Hotel, Saturday-Sunday (26-27/11). 

Aulia Luqman Aziz (kanan) menerima hadiah juara dari anggota Dewan Pers Imam Suyadi
Aulia Luqman Aziz (right) received the prize from Press Council member Imam Wahyudi

In the Photo Contest, workshop participants consisting of Public Relations Deputies from Brawijaya University were asked to take one best photo that depicts an interesting event around the workshop location. The photo was then uploaded to their respective Instagram accounts while writing the hashtag #HumasUB. Among the uploaded photos, Luqman's photo managed to grab the attention of the jury which consisted of mass media photographers. 

Then, in the News Writing Competition, the participants were asked to make a news article related to workshop activities and other activities within Universitas Brawijaya. This post was sent to WhatsApp Groups Public Relations of Brawijaya University. By the jury, which consisted of senior journalists from Tempo and editor Prasetya, Luqman's news article entitled “Senior Journalist of Tempo: Writing News That Makes It Easy for Readers” was named the 2nd winner. 

Meanwhile, the workshop was filled with useful materials to support daily public relations activities. Among them are materials on good photographic techniques, materials written in the mass media by senior journalists from Tempo Abdi Purnomo, and materials on how to deal with mass media journalists by a member of the Press Council, Imam Wahyudi.


Coverage Team:

Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Photo: UB Public Relations 

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