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FIA UB Academic Community Wins the 2013 UB Blogmetric Award

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Public Relations, FIA UB. The 2013 UB Blogmetric Award event is an award through an assessment of the best blogs in the UB domain to support academic activities, as a means of publication, communication and as a means of introducing Brawijaya University on the international stage. After the previous year, he actively participated and won a similar award in the 2012 UB Blog Metric Award (url:, now the FIA UB academic community plays an active role again in a similar event this year. The following are the names of the FIA UB academic community who won the 2013 UB Blogmetric Award:

Lecturer Category:

  1. Yuniadi Mayowan, S. Sos, MAB
  2. Private Priambada, S. Sos, MAB
  3. Drs. Heru Susilo, MA
  4. Ika Ruhana, S. Sos, Msi

Student Category:

  1. Muhammad Nur Fauzi
  2. Everlasting Setyono

Complete information can be seen at the URL:

Congratulations to the Academic Community of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya Malang for the award they won at the 2013 UB Blog Metric Award. Hopefully this will increase motivation in the coming years and inspire colleagues to further activate their respective webblogs to support UB Word Class University. (PR/SP)

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