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Departure of Candidates for Pilgrimage of FIA UB Academic Community

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Located in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya released the release of the 2017 hajj pilgrims. The activity which was held on Friday (28/7) was attended directly by FIA UB residents who will go on pilgrimage this year. Each of them is: Prof. Dr. Sumartono and his wife, Dr. Riyanto MHum and his wife, Dahlan Fanani MAB and his wife, Dr. Mardiyono MSi and his wife, and Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan, MHum.

The Dean handed over Hajj souvenirs to the prospective pilgrims

In his speech, the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS prayed for the prospective pilgrims to be able to carry out the pilgrimage smoothly and healthily. In addition, the Dean representing the academic community of FIA UB hopes that the prospective pilgrims who will be departed will return to Indonesia with the title of hajj mabrur.

Being the main event, the release ceremony for the prospective pilgrims was also filled with a lecture delivered by Ust. H. Abdul Latief who conveyed the wisdom of carrying out the Hajj thanksgiving before departure to the holy land. Among these lessons are as a form of saying goodbye to people you know, entrusting work and family, asking for health prayers so that you can return healthy and safe, asking for prayers for relatives and friends. In addition, St. H. Abdul Latief also mentioned that there are conditions for returning to the country of origin as haj mabrur, namely having straight intentions, possessing knowledge, and not violating the Shari'a.

The event of giving souvenirs handed over by the Dean of FIA UB to prospective pilgrims which was carried out after the tausyiah was a sign of ending the release of prospective pilgrims in 2017 which was held by FIA UB.


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