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Announcement of Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PK2MABA) 2017 FIA UB

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Malang, PSIK FIA UB We hereby convey an announcement regarding PK2MABA FIA UB which will be called PRABASWARA by the student committee after obtaining permission from the Faculty leadership. Prabaswara Attributes Prabaswara Rules Assignment Day I (Individual) Assignment Day II (Group) Song Assignment Appendix 7 (Essay Assignment Template) List of PRABASWARA Mentors FIA UB 2017 Prabaswara talent interest form … Read more

Postgraduate Scholarship Program for Education Personnel (TENDIK) from DIKTI

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PSIK, FIA. Good news for educational staff (Tendik) throughout Indonesia. Now, the Ministry of Research and Technology (KemristekDikti) has reopened the Postgraduate Scholarship for Outstanding Education Personnel (PASTI). Of course, this scholarship will play a role in improving the quality and competitiveness of Tendik human resources and improving the quality of higher education towards a World Class University. For more detailed information, you can… Read more

Talkshow with Alumni and Doctoral Program Students of FIA UB at Jakarta Marketing Week 2017

In holding the 2017 Jakarta Marketing Week, FIA UB really went all out in filling in the sessions provided by MarkPlus Inc as the organizer. After delivering the material by the Secretary of the Department of Business Administration, Mohammad Iqbal DBA, FIA UB invited three people from the alumni and doctoral program students to the main stage. They are Sunu Widyatmoko (alumni, former CEO … Read more

CoAss (Gadjah Mada University) emerged as the winner of the 2017 ASEAN ESPRIEX Business Model Competition

Setelah melewati persaingan yang sengit di babak 25 besar dan 5 besar, akhirnya tim CoAss dari Universitas Gadjah Mada dinobatkan sebagai Pemenang I ESPRIEX Business Model Competition ASEAN 2017. Tim yang mengusung konsep aplikasi klinik gigi berbasis online itu berhasil menyisihkan Olride (Universitas Brawijaya) dan Atfire (Universitas Brawijaya) yang harus puas duduk di posisi kedua dan … Read more

2017 Village Development Grant Program Offer

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In connection with the Letter of the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs No. 291/B3.3/KM/2017 concerning the 2017 Village Bid Grant program offer and the 2017 Village Bid Grant Program Guide has been published by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Director General of DIKTI, which can be downloaded via the page:;, we hereby encourage you to inform students within our Faculty/Program... Read more

2017 Achievement Student Selection

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ANNOUNCEMENT The following is the schedule for the 2017 Achievement Student Selection Selection MAWAPRES Registration: January 10 – February 16, 2017 Faculty Level Selection: February 21, 2017 (time and place for the selection to follow) 4 files are made and each is included in a green stopmap (given name, NIM, PRODI and cellphone number) Requirements … Read more

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LIST OF PARTICIPANTS FOR FINAL EXAMINATION IN ODD SEMESTER 2016/2017 ACADEMIC YEAR FACULTY OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITY No NIM Name of Study Program MK Lecturer Class Examination Date Exam time 1 135030101111032 Muhammad Iqbal Ramadhan Public Leadership J Dr. Riyanto, M.Hum January 13, 2017 09.00 2 135030200111102 Lutfi Rian … Read more

List of 2016 Odd Supplementary UAS Participants

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LIST OF PARTICIPANTS FOR FINAL EXAMINATION IN ODD SEMESTER 2016/2017 ACADEMIC YEAR FACULTY OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITY No NIM Name of Study Program MK Lecturer Class Examination Date Exam time 1 135030101111032 Muhammad Iqbal Ramadhan Public Leadership J Dr. Riyanto, M.Hum January 13, 2017 09.00 2 135030200111102 Lutfi Rian H Indonesian Business Practice A Supriono, S.Sos, SAB … Read more

UB's Marching Band Wins Champion in Thailand, 9 FIA UB Students Also Contribute to Achievements

Good news came from the UB contingent of Marching Band who competed in the 2016 Thailand International Drumline Competition in Bangkok, Thailand. UB's contingent managed to achieve achievements in several competitions, namely: 1st place for Visual number, 5th place for Brass Battle, 4th place for Drumbattle, 3rd place for Marching Show The achievements achieved by UB's contingents cannot be separated from … Read more

DPR RI Expertise Agency Collaborates with Library Science Study Program to Discuss Law No. 4 of 1990

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) has guests from the DPR RI Expertise Body, Tuesday (29/11). They were present in order to hold a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on "Data Collection on Changes to Law No. 4 of 1990 concerning Handover of Printed and Recorded Works. Also attending the activities that were held in the Seminar Room of Building B, FIA UB, 2nd floor... Read more

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