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Department of Business Administration Continue Preparation for IACBE Accreditation

The Task Force Team of the Business Administration Department held a consignment to finalize the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) accreditation forms: Principle 7-9. The activity was held on Saturday, 11 March 2023, at the UB Guest House. This activity was carried out in preparation for a field visitation which is planned to be held in September 2023.

BEM and DPM FIA UB Agreed on 2023 Work Program

The Student Representative Council (DPM) and Student Executive Body (BEM) held an agenda for a coordination meeting to ratify the BEM work program for the 2023 period. This is a manifestation of the DPM's oversight function as a student legislative body. The activity was held on Saturday, March 11 2023 and took place in the Auditorium of Building E, 10th floor of FIA UB. Present on the occasion… Read more

FIA UB Lecturer Oscar Radyan Danar Publishes a Performance Management Book

FIA UB lecturers publish books again. This time, Oscar Radyan Danar, M.AP., Ph.D, Lecturer at the Department of Public Administration, has just published his latest work entitled "Performance Management: Theory and Practice". Books of the type of reference book convey to readers related to performance management for government agencies. Performance management is needed to equalize perceptions among individuals with different backgrounds… Read more

Three Taxation Lecturers Publish Consumption Tax Book

A new textbook by three lecturers of the FIA UB Bachelor of Taxation Study Program has just been published. The book entitled "The Concept of Consumption Tax: Value Added Tax (VAT) in the Digital Age" was written by Rosalita Rachma Agusti, Kartika Putri Kumalasari, and Devi Nur Cahaya Ningsih. The book was produced and published by UB Press. To the Team… Read more

Rapim at FIA UB, Deans of UB Sign Performance Contracts with the Chancellor

Dekan FIA UB (kedua dari kiri) usai menandatangani kontrak kinerja dengan Rektor UB

The leadership of Universitas Brawijaya held a Leadership Meeting with FIA UB as the host. The event which was held offline was centered on the Raden Wijaya Auditorium, 11th floor of FIA UB. On that occasion, all rectors and deans from UB were present. One of the important agendas in this activity is the signing of the dean's performance contract with the chancellor. Brawijaya University Chancellor Prof. … Read more

Tourism Study Program Student Publishes Wellness Tourism Book

Three students of the FIA UB Undergraduate Tourism Study Program, Dwi Mauliddia Rosi Ardiyanti, Farida Rahmah, and Atikah Muamar Luqyanabillah, were actively involved in compiling a book published by the Culture and Tourism Office of Banyuwangi Regency. The book entitled "Wellness Tourism Ijen Geopark" tells and promotes the existence of the Ijen Geopark tourist area to carry out activities ... Read more

Lab. FIA UB Tax Center Helps Employee SPT Reporting in UB

FIA UB's Tax Center Laboratory holds "Filling E-Filing for UB Educators and Education Staff in 2023". The event which was held offline on the 4th floor of building A invited all lecturers and students from UB. The activity was held in order to provide assistance to all lecturers and students in UB regarding filling out E-filing. Dean of FIA UB Drs. Andy … Read more

Guest Lecture at FIA UB, Assistant Deputy of KemenPAN-RB Encourages Thematic Bureaucratic Reform

The Master of Public Administration Study Program (MAP), in collaboration with the Doctor of Administrative Sciences Program (PDIA), held a guest lecture entitled "Thematic Bureaucratic Reform Agenda". Present as a guest speaker was Budi Prawira, SE, MM as Assistant Deputy for Coordination of Policy Implementation and Evaluation of Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability, and Oversight II at the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform. This is the agenda for the second guest lecture that… Read more

Ei Lab FIA UB Participates in Enlivening Digital Grounds Surabaya

FIA UB's Entrepreneurship & Innovation Laboratory (Ei Lab) attended the Digital Grounds Activity: Green Tech Safari in Surabaya, precisely in the Balai Pemuda Barat building, Surabaya. This event was organized by Ecoxyztem together with Bappenas RI, GIZ DTC & Make-IT Indonesia in order to support the digital ecosystem in Indonesia, especially with regard to green technology startup companies. … Read more

Guest Lecture Riant Nugroho Opens the MAP and PDIA Study Program Lectures

Masters and Doctoral Programs in Public Administration FIA UB held an opening guest lecture for even semester lectures with the theme "Public Policy Agenda for Indonesia 2024-2029" delivered by Dr. Riant Nugroho as General Chair of the Indonesian Public Policy Society, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya. In his speech the Dean of FIA UB Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D invites students to… Read more

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