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The Dean Appoints New Chairs and Secretaries at the Level of Study Programs, Study Centers, and Laboratories

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In order to improve service quality, work effectiveness, and to refresh human resources within the UB Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA), the faculty leadership rotated educational staff in several structural positions, Thursday (9/4). On that occasion, the faculty leadership announced the composition of the new officials occupying posts at the level of study programs, study centers, and laboratories under the program... Read more

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Academic Seminar for the Department of Business Administration: UMKM, Is Small Still Beautiful?

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FIA UB Department of Business Administration once again held an Academic Seminar. The event, which is routinely held once a month, yesterday (14/4) presented Kholid Mawardi, Ph.D as a speaker and was attended by all lecturers within the Department of Business Administration. On that occasion, Kholid raised the title of the presentation "Is Small Still Beautiful?" to discuss the problems of MSMEs in Indonesia. According to … Read more

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S1 Public Administration Study Program FIA UB Successfully Maintains BAN-PT "A" Accreditation Without Visitation

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This week FIA UB received good news. One of the study programs, namely Public Administration Study Program, managed to get an A accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) for the 2015-2020 period. In particular, the accreditation value listed in the Decree numbered 032/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/I/2015 was successfully achieved without the need for a visitation from BAN-PT because the total assessment score... Read more

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Guest Lecture on Disaster Management, BNPB Expert Staff Reveals Achievements and Problems of Disaster Management in Indonesia

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When the potential for natural disasters has been detected, it turns out that there are still many of our people who are reluctant to immediately move from their homes and move to safe places that have been provided by the government. In fact, there was a group of people who did not want to move to the point where the local regional head no longer wanted to be responsible for their safety. Interesting stories about disaster management… Read more

To Build Member Cohesiveness, AEC FIA UB Holds Management Training in Pujon

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Running an organization which consists of many people with various backgrounds is certainly not an easy thing. To ensure cohesiveness and unified vision and mission among its new members, LOF Administration English Club (AEC) held Training Organization 2015, Saturday to Sunday (28-29/3). Activities that take place in a villa in the mountains of Pujon, Regency of … Read more

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Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta: Leaders Must Protect Their People

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In today's modern era, leadership crisis is nothing new. Abusing authority to achieve personal and group goals is a series of cases that are often found in Indonesia. Laws and Regulations seem to be subject to authority. This is an important discourse for the academic community of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) as future leaders. “Education is indeed one of the assets… Read more

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Building a Solid Public Administration Journal, FIA UB Holds a National Workshop on Journal Publishing

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As a forum for coordination and to strengthen enthusiasm for publishing journals as part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, the Public Administration Department of FIA UB held a "National Workshop on Journal of Public Administration" yesterday (14/3). Located in the Meeting Room of Building B, 2nd floor, invited Prof. Ali Saukah, Ph.D as the main speaker. In delivering the material, Prof. Ali gave lots of tips... Read more

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Comparative Study of SMA Negeri 1 Boyolangu and Satya Wiyata Mandala University to FIA UB

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Yesterday (17/2), the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) was visited by two groups of guests at once, namely students from SMA Negeri 1 Boyolangu, Tulungagung, and students and lecturers from Satya Wiyata Mandala University, Nabire. The arrival of the two is to do a comparative study and study the prospects of education at FIA UB. The two groups were received by the Vice Dean III Dr. Sri … Read more

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Annual Award for Excellence for Brawijaya University

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Department of Business, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, presented another award for Universitas Brawijaya in early 2015. In the 2014 Award series, the Asian Association of Schools of International Business (AASBI) awarded Brawijaya University with the "Annual Award for Excellence" for its performance in building an image as an entrepreneurship-based campus that is recognized by the world. The award given by the association… Read more

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