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The 2017-2021 FIA UB Dean Candidate Screening Stages Begin

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) will soon hold a selection stage for new Deans for the 2017-2021 period. There are seven stages that will be carried out by the Selection and Consideration Committee for Dean Candidates of FIA UB. The initial stage started on April 10 2017 when the committee sent a willingness form to prospective dean candidates who met the requirements. After that, the candidates... Read more

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National Seminar and Presentation of Research Results by the Research and Community Service Agency

Research and Community Service Agency (BPPM) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a National Seminar and Presentation of Research Results with the theme "Capacity Development of the Public and Business Sector in the Context of Increasing National Competitiveness", Thursday (30/3). The activity took place in the Hall of Building A FIA UB 4th Floor. There were hundreds of participants packed into the activity location. They … Read more

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Festive, Opening Ceremony ESPRIEX Business Model Competition ASEAN 2017

Hundreds of people seemed to crowd the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor of FIA UB that night. Most of them are students from various campuses in ASEAN. They were present at FIA UB for the "Opening Ceremony & Gala Dinner" as 25 finalists in the "ESPRIEX Business Model Competition ASEAN 2017" organized by the Department of Business Administration FIA UB. Activity … Read more

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CoAss (Gadjah Mada University) emerged as the winner of the 2017 ASEAN ESPRIEX Business Model Competition

Setelah melewati persaingan yang sengit di babak 25 besar dan 5 besar, akhirnya tim CoAss dari Universitas Gadjah Mada dinobatkan sebagai Pemenang I ESPRIEX Business Model Competition ASEAN 2017. Tim yang mengusung konsep aplikasi klinik gigi berbasis online itu berhasil menyisihkan Olride (Universitas Brawijaya) dan Atfire (Universitas Brawijaya) yang harus puas duduk di posisi kedua dan … Read more

FIA UB Tax Center Holds Online Tax SPT Filling Together

The Tax Center of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held "Fill in Online Tax SPT Together", Tuesday-Wednesday (14-15/3). The event, which was held in collaboration with the East Java 3 DGT Regional Office, is the third time since 2014. What is different from the implementation of previous years is that this year the FIA UB Tax Center invites all employees in … Read more

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Meeting for the preparation of the Education Administration Study Program RPS

Education Administration Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), held a "Semester Learning Plan Preparation Meeting (RPS)", Saturday (11/3). The event which was attended by homebase lecturers and lecturers who teach in the Education Administration Study Program took place at the Aria Gajayana Hotel, Malang. This event aims to compile and conduct a review of the RPS that has been prepared for … Read more

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Prof. Daisuke Komori (Tohoku University): Overcoming Disasters, Collaboration of Natural and Social Sciences is Required

The Master of Public Administration Study Program held an International Guest Lecture with the topic "Local People's Perceptions of Climate Change and Related Hazards in Mountanious Areas of Northern Thailand". As the main speaker in this activity was Assoc Prof. Daisuke Komori PhD Agri (Tohoku University, Japan). In his lecture, Prof. Komori emphasized collaboration between scientific disciplines, namely between the natural sciences and science... Read more

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BPPM FIA UB Holds Socialization of SIPP and the 2017 Book Resistance Program

The Agency for Research and Community Service (BPPM) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a workshop with material about increasing lecturers' scientific productivity, Monday (20/2). The activity was titled "Socialization of Research Information Systems and Community Service (SIPP), 2017 Book Resilience Grant Competition Program (PHK), and Citation Improvement". Three presenters attended the event which was held at… Read more

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Prof Noor A Siddique (Flinders University): Writing must be ready to be criticized and rejected

Research and publication of research results is the essence of a lecturer's job. Without both, one cannot be fully called a lecturer. Aside from being a means of self-existence for a lecturer, research and publications are also useful for increasing the university's ranking among other universities in the world. That is a piece of insight shared by Prof Noor A Siddiquee (Flinders University, Australia) … Read more

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