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Strategy for Increasing Professional Capabilities: Socialization of Regular Internships for FIA UB Business Administration Study Program 2023/2024

  The Business Administration Study Program, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) is taking innovative steps by organizing the 2023/2024 Regular Internship Socialization activities on Tuesday, 19 December 2023. This online event is a forum for essential information aimed at students of the Business Administration Study Program. by presenting Mrs. Hanifa Maulani Ramadhan, S.AB., M.AB, one of the lecturers at... Read more

Foreign Lecturer Initiative: Raising Educational Standards Towards Global Business Leaders

Malang, 30 November 2023 – Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University presents a significant initiative with the launch of the Foreign Lecturer Program. The program is designed to improve the quality of education by bringing in international experts, enriching the curriculum with a global outlook, and providing students with practical experience in the world of global business. Collaboration in this program involves the Malaysian Technological University... Read more

Activities of the Working Lecturer Program (Dokar) Research Collaboration between Business Administration FIA UB and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)

On 24 October 2023, the Business Administration Study Program and Universitas Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) held the Dosen Berkarya (Dokar) activity, an initiative aimed at facing complex challenges in higher education in the era of globalization. These challenges force universities to continue to innovate and collaborate to improve the quality and relevance of education. One approach taken in… Read more

PS S1 AB UB Tracer Study Report 2023

The 2023 Bachelor of Business Administration Study Program Tracer Study report contains data and analysis regarding the condition of alumni after completing their studies at AB UB Bachelor's Degree Study Program, as well as feedback provided by FIA stakeholders. This Tracer Study activity aims to collect data about the type of work or business carried out by alumni, the extent to which the work is in accordance with the field of study... Read more

Implementation of Thesis Series 2 Acceleration to Assist the Student Thesis Preparation Process

The Undergraduate Business Administration Study Program is holding Series 2 Thesis Acceleration with the theme "In-Depth Exploration of Research Methods Quantitative and Qualitative". This activity took place on Thursday, September 21 2023 online via Zoom Meeting. This activity presented two competent speakers, namely Inggang Perwangsa N., Ph.D (FIA UB Lecturer – Quantitative Lecturer) and Agung Nugroho Luthfi Imam F., ... Read more

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