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Cooperation between FIA UB and KPU Encourages Participation of Beginner Voters

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The UB Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) lecturer team implemented community service activities by holding political education in the hall of the Tugu High School complex, Malang City, yesterday (6/9). Participated by students from SMAN 3, SMAN 1, and SMAN 4 Malang City, this activity was also accompanied by socialization of the 2019 simultaneous general election (election) for first time voters by Malang City KPU.

Present as speakers, UB Public Administration lecturer Andhyka Muttaqin SAP MPA and Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) Malang City Zaenudin ST MAp.

The head of the FIA UB community service team, Aulia Luqman Aziz MPd, said that the lecturer has the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. In addition to education (teaching), lecturers must also carry out research and community service. "Well, today's activity (yesterday) is a form of community service, namely our team from FIA UB," explained Luqman, Aulia Luqman Aziz's nickname.

Andhyka said, according to a survey, young voters in Indonesia have a share of 3-4 percent. Therefore, it is important that political education is given to high school students so that the leaders are elected according to their wishes. "There are no good leaders, but the people are just indifferent (voting abstentions)," he explained.

Various materials on what to do as a novice voter are explained. The material regarding why beginner voters are important is also explained by this UB Public Administration lecturer. Materials related to how to become a critical and independent first-time voter are also clearly explained.

"According to data on beginner participation, 92.8 percent voted. This means that the enthusiasm of the novice voters is good," he explained.

Due to the high turnout rate of first time voters, they must know important things to know before voting. Among other things, getting to know the vision and mission and program candidates. Then get to know the biography of the candidate and his political party. "After evaluating, confirm your choice and make sure you choose the right vote," explained the man from Batu City.

Andhyka added, this dedication is actually to provide a deeper understanding of how to be a good voter to make his choice. In most cases, novice voters are heavily influenced by cultural, religious, and ignorance of current politics.

”Considering that the potential for beginner voters is quite large, appropriate and good political education must be carried out intensively. What is certain is that the aim is to increase participation and political awareness," he said.

Meanwhile, Malang City KPU Chairman Zaenudin ST MAp explained various election agendas going forward. Such as the presidential and legislative elections at the city, provincial, DPR RI and DPD levels. Uniquely, the presentation given by Zaenudin was packaged in an interesting way, namely asking questions and being given door prizes in the form of KPU dolls and pulses. "Because the voters are beginners, the socialization method is adapted to today's children," he explained.

He explained that later on April 17 2019, 5 ballots would be prepared, namely legislative elections (city, province and DPR RI), presidential election and DPD. To identify candidates, Zaenudin said that in the future there will be up to 5 presidential debates. "With this debate, it is an opportunity for you to get to know the vision, mission, and various things of the presidential candidates," he explained.

At the end of the event, Zaenudin also practiced how to vote correctly. In fact, voting support tools were also introduced, starting from pads to voting tools. "Use your right to vote on April 17 2019 wisely and correctly," he said.

Seeing the current conditions, it is indeed the duty of the KPU as the organizer to carry out intensive socialization. Particularly packaging socialization that elections are not a scary thing, but elections are something fun. Zaenudin appealed to political parties and politicians to package socialization and campaigns in a fun way. "So, the people of Malang do not give up choosing a candidate for leadership," he explained.

Zaenudin continued, socialization will be intensively carried out again in early 2019. This is because currently the Malang City Election Commission is focusing on the evaluation stage of the local elections. He also emphasized that even though the condition of Malang City is like this it does not reduce the target of voter participation from the election. “According to people with this condition, participation can only reach 50 percent, but in fact the KPU was able to reach 65 percent. And we continue to be optimistic," he concluded.

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