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Dean of FIA UB Gives Public Lecture at Universiti Utara Malaysia

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Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS was honored by Universiti Utara Malaysia to give a public lecture to students there. The activity, which was centered at the College of Law, Government, and International Studies (COLGIS), was attended by UUM students and included students of the Public Administration Study Program who were doing an international internship for two weeks at UUM.

The Dean was accompanied by the Head of Public Administration Study Program Dr. Lely Indah Mindarti and Study Program Secretary Moh. Said, S.AP., M.AP. At UUM the group was warmly welcomed and entertained by all campus leaders, including the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and the Dean of COLGIS.

This visit is included in a series of collaborations that have been established between FIA UB and COLGIS UUM. Previously, the two parties had held several joint activities such as International Lectures. Going forward, both parties aspire to continue to strengthen this collaboration so that FIA can provide international insights to its students. This is in accordance with the vision of UB and FIA to become campuses that are respected internationally (ALA/FIA. Photos by Lely, Said; Other photos can be seen at FIA-UB Facebook page)

Rombongan FIA dijamu oleh Pimpinan UUM
The FIA delegation was hosted by UUM Leaders
Dekan saat berikan kuliah umum
The dean is giving a public lecture
Bersama Rektor UUM (ketiga dari kiri)
With UUM Chancellor (third from left)

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