On Monday (2/9), it has been such an important day for the Commissary of PT. Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company, Megananda Daryono. Studied in the Faculty of Administrative Science of Brawijaya University (FIA UB) since 2010, now Megananda is officially awarded Ph.D. in the field of Administration Science with a Business Administration specialist, after defending his dissertation from the assessment board. Prof. Dr. Omar Nimran, Prof. Dr. Suhadak, and Dr. Kusdi Raharjo intensively advised his dissertation. While the assessment board consisted of Prof. Dr. Endang Siti Astuti, Dr. Heroine Kumahi, Dr. Hamidah Nayati Utami, Prof. Dr. Syafi'i Idrus, Prof. Dr. Martani Huseini, and Prof. Christianus Dwiatmadja.

Megananda raised a topic about the effect of knowledge leadership towards organizational culture, individual learning, and collective learning and its implications towards individual creativity. The objects of the research are 14 state-owned corporations in the field of plantations in Indonesia. The purpose of the study is to foster the knowledge assets as the source of competitive company superiority in facing tense competition.
By inviting 245 intermediate managers as the research sample, and using generalized structured component analysis in data processing, Megananda concluded that knowledge leadership has a significant impact towards organizational culture and collective learning. It means that the application of leadership knowledge through learning orientation, learning ambiance creation, learning support, and providing examples will support the existence of organizational culture values and practices along with the knowledge learning and creation. In addition, he also concluded that individual learning cannot be forced directly by the organization leader, but through the values and practices of organizational culture that support individual actions to learn.

Megananda Daryono has been appointed as the public servant in the Department of Finance (now Ministry of Finance). His position as public servant was as the Deputy in the Field of Primary Industrial Business in the period of 2010-2012. After retired, he was admitted as the Director of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III in 2012-2013 as the preparation of assembling holding company in a state-owned plantation company.