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FIA UB Socialization at UB Expo Reveals the Job Prospects of its Graduates

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The most important thing in college is how much a person is willing to fight. If someone has a strong desire, don't think too much about what job he will get because the job itself will look for him. That is a piece of motivational sentence uttered by FIA Assistant Dean II Drs. Heru Susilo, MA in Faculty Socialization which was held during the UB Expo yesterday. Present at the event were students from several schools in Greater Malang, including Ar-Rahman Girls' High School, Batu.

Heru Susilo (kanan) dan Aulia Luqman Aziz (tengah) menjawab pertanyaan audiens
Heru Susilo (right) and Aulia Luqman Aziz (center) answer audience questions

On that occasion, Aulia Luqman Aziz, M.Pd as Presenter from FIA conveyed some information about study opportunities at FIA UB. According to him, the job prospects achieved by FIA graduates are very large. Graduates from the Business Department, for example, can develop a career as an independent entrepreneur or business consultant because during their studies they have been forged to become a leader in the business field. Meanwhile, graduates of the Public Department have a great opportunity to become leaders in central and regional government governance. "Many of our alumni have become leaders in their respective fields, for example Dr. "Agus Hermanto who currently serves as Deputy Chair of the DPR RI, M. Jasin who once served as Deputy Chair of the Corruption Eradication Commission and is now Inspector General at the Ministry of Religion, and many more," he said while inviting the audience to play guessing pictures of FIA UB alumni.

Aulia Luqman Aziz mempresentasikan prospek kuliah di FIA UB
Aulia Luqman Aziz presented the prospects of studying at FIA UB

The Faculty Open House event at the UB Expo itself was lively. The event, which took place from Friday (6/3) to Sunday (8/3), was attended by thousands of visitors from high school students, university students and the general public. The FIA UB booth seemed busy with high school students who wanted to know about FIA UB. At the FIA UB booth, visitors can also immortalize themselves with their friends photobooth provided by FIA UB. (ALA/FIA)

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*Other photos can be seen at FIA UB Unofficial FB Page.


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