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Thanksgiving and Opening of the 53rd FIA UB Anniversary series of events

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2FIA UB, Public Relations, Pembukaan peringatan Dies Natalis FIA UB ke 53, telah berlangsung pada hari Selasa, tanggal 8 Oktober 2013. Alunan nada religius dari Grup “ Al ishah Al Banjari FIA UB”, pimpinan Dr. Zainul Arifin, M.S dan juga Grup Gamelan dan karawitan “FIA Raras Sekar Arum” pimpinan Drs. Suwondo, MS serta Serta sanggar tari Mahasiswa FIA UB mendampingi pembukaan Dies Natalis kali ini.  Acara berlangsung meriah diawali dengan pembacaan ayat suci Alquran’an secara khidmat dan khusuk  oleh mahasiswa anggota Al-Islah Al Banjari FIA UB dan pembaca arti (dalam bahasa Jawa) oleh dosen Jurusan Administrasi Bisnis Supriono, S.Sos, MAB. 3This thanksgiving event was held in the lobby of FIA UB Building A lt.1 by inviting FIA UB academics, namely lecturers and education staff and students represented by delegates from faculty autonomous institutions (LOF) in FIA UB, employee lecturers Retired FIA and alumni of FIA UB include the Regent of Pasuruan, Dr. Dede Angga. Dr. Riyanto, M.Hum who acted as the MC, then guided the event with remarks, including from Mr. Dr. Choirul Muluk, MS as the head of the organizing committee for the 53rd Anniversary of FIA UB, next is the speech from Mr. Suparno, former head of FIA Administration, was then greeted by FIA elders who are also professors at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, namely Prof. Dr. Taher Alhabsyi (Department of Business Administration) and Prof. Dr. Soesilo Zauhar, MS (Department of Public Administration).4 Both of them stressed the importance of the togetherness of the entire academic community in building FIA UB. Then the last speech was by Mr. Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS Dean of FIA UB. Prof. Bambang said that with the advice from FIA elders in the previous remarks, he was optimistic that FIA would be more advanced in the future by continuing to maintain ukhuwah, friendship between the academic community and of course, qualified competence that graduates would produce later. While hoping for the blessing of Allah, so that all these hopes can be fulfilled.Untitled

The last event is the tumpeng cutting event as a sign of gratitude to Allah SWT. After Dr. Zainul Arifin, led the prayer, Mr. Dean and his mother, accompanied by the Assistant Dean II Dr. Zainul Arifin , MS along with Mrs. and Mr. Assistant Dean III Drs. Heru Susilo, MA and his mother handed over the pieces of tumpeng to FIA elders, Mr. Prof. Dr. Taher Al-Habsyi, pieces of tumpeng were also handed over to FIA alumni who attended, including: Bp. Dr. Dede Angga, regent of Pasuruan (Humas/SP).

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