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FIA UB Tax Center Holds Online Tax SPT Filling Together

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The Tax Center of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held "Fill in Online Tax SPT Together", Tuesday-Wednesday (14-15/3). The event, which was held in collaboration with the East Java 3 DGT Regional Office, is the third time since 2014.

Hamidah Nayati Utami (right), FIA UB lecturer, is receiving assistance from the FIA UB Tax Center to fill out SPT Online

What is different from the implementation of previous years is that this year the Tax Center of FIA UB invites all employees at Universitas Brawijaya, both lecturers and education staff, to take advantage of this facility. No doubt, from the first day until the closing of the second day, it was seen that the employees came alternately to get free assistance from the East Java Regional Office of DJP 3 and the student team from the FIA UB Tax Center. 

The Head of the FIA UB Tax Center Priandhita Sukowidyanti Asmoro SE MSA Ak said that the collaboration between the Regional Office of DJP East Java 3 and his party had been established for a long time. The form of cooperation is not only in the context of filling out online tax returns, but also other activities such as seminars and tax outreach to several government agencies and schools. "We got special facilities from the DJP East Java Regional Office 3 with this collaboration, so that fellow students in the Tax Study Program can learn directly from these joint activities," said the graduate of Brawijaya University. 


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Article/Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz

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