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Two FIA UB Lecturers Get Research Opportunities Abroad

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“From Netherlands With Love”

One of the FIA UB lecturers, M. Kholid Mawardi, PhD who is also a researcher, managed to get a scholarship from Nuffic Neso ( to take part in the short course program on Sustainable Local Economy Development (SLED), in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. This program is a competitive program offered by Erasmus University, Rotterdam through its 2 institutions; The Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) and the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) for participants from developing countries around the world through the STUNED scholarship scheme.
Dr. Jan Fransen, the coordinator of this program said “we are very selective in selecting participants for this program. The criteria we use to determine eligibility are very strict because we receive many applicants but our capacity is very limited. The criteria we use are the academic and professional background of the prospective participants, the track record of the activity and how big the impact of the activity is, and of course the English language skills of the potential participants.
The material provided includes: the concept of LED, SME-based local economic development, CSR programs and development of regional competitiveness with speakers who are experts in their fields. Apart from attending in-class training, participants also had the opportunity to take field trips to industrial clusters in the Netherlands, including the agricultural cluster in Westland, the creative industry cluster in Rotterdam and to take part in the inauguration of the ISS professorship in The Hague with the theme "Frugal Innovation in India SMEs". (MKM/SP)

Foto 1. M. Kholid Mawardi, PhD bersama penerima beasiswa STUNED dari Indonesia

M. Kholid Mawardi, Ph.D with Dr. Jan Fransen (Courses coordinator) and CV van Rooijen, MSc (IHS Director) when handing over the "the best achievement participant" certificate


"UB FIA lecturers have the opportunity to take part in the SAME program and receive PKD PHK grants for the year 2016"

Good news for the academic community of FIA UB. FIA UB Lecturer in the Department of Business Andriani Kusumawati, S.Sos, MSi, DBA, who is fondly called Mrs. Andri in mid-September 2016, also went to Australia to take part in the SAME or the prolonged Scheme for Academic Mobility and Exchange for 3 months. Where this program includes sending professors or doctoral lecturers (senior) to universities/research institutions abroad and inviting lecturers/researchers to domestic universities.
This program aims to facilitate lecturers to develop research and publications in international journals, update teaching materials and learning methods according to the latest developments in the world of international education. The basic principles of this activity are equality, partnership and continuity in international cooperation.
Mrs. Andri when met by PSIK FIA UB in her office (7/09/2016) before leaving, said that besides lecturers being able to take part in the SAME program, they should not forget to compete in PKD layoffs (Lecturer Capacity Building Competitive Grant Research) to improve competence in the field of research for further publication in accredited journals both at home and abroad. Where in 2016 he was allowed by Allah SWT (after going through various selections) to get the two opportunities above. Congratulations to Mr. Mawardi and Mrs. Andri, hopefully the other academics will follow soon. (SP)

Andriani Kusmwati, S.Sos, M.Si, DBA
Andriani Kusumawati, S.Sos, M.Si, DBA




















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