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2016 Curriculum RPS Workshop on the Tax Study Program

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The Tax Study Program held a "2016 Curriculum Semester Learning Plan (RPS) Workshop" on 27-28 May 2016. The event which was held at the Horison Ultima Batu Hotel was attended by as many as 55 lecturers supporting all subjects in the Tax Study Program. All participants were asked to prepare a Semester Learning Plan (RPS) which includes a description of activities during 16 face-to-face meetings. The SLP is prepared based on the Lecture Program Unit (SAP) which has been prepared by the previous committee team. This activity is a routine activity that is held every 5 years, following the pattern of updating the curriculum at FIA UB. Thus, all RPS resulting from these activities will become the main guide for supporting lecturers in the Tax Study Program for the next five years.


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Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

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