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41 Amazing Years Tribute to Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin, Tribute to Professors of Anti-Corruption Fighters

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Prof.'s academic progress Dr. There is no doubt about Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin both inside and outside the campus. Apart from being a Professor in the field of Public Administration at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), Sjamsiar is also passionate about eradicating corruption through the movement I Am Women Anti-Corruption (SPAK) which he initiated. No doubt he was trusted to be the Chief Editor of the Corruption Eradication Journal published by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and, recently, was given the mandate by the Chancellor to lead the Center for Anti-Corruption Studies at Brawijaya University. For these various achievements, entering retirement at the age of 70, FIA UB held a series of events "41 Amazing Years Tribute to Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin”, Monday (7/9).

Included in the series of events was the launch of a book entitled "Anthology of Public Administration and Development: Festschrift for Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin”. The book is a compilation of the works of 25 authors in various fields related to public administration and development. Included among the rows of authors is Prof. Dr. Meutia Hatta (former State Minister for Women's Empowerment), Dr. Fadel Muhammad (former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries), Dr. Kautsar (former head of the Institute of State Administration), Dr. Asmawi R. (former Deputy for Administrative Affairs of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment), as well as several other national figures. In this session, the Chancellor handed over the book to Sjamsiar as a post-employment souvenir presented to him by the university.

Rektor UB menyerahkan buku persembahan untuk Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin
UB Chancellor (center) accompanied by Assistant Dean I of FIA UB (right) hands over offering books to Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin 

In his opening remarks, the Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri expressed his admiration for the figure of Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin. According to him, at his present age, Sjamsiar is still a lively lecturer, always on time, and has high work motivation. The Chancellor hopes that Sjamsiar will still be given health because his thoughts and work are still needed by the university. "He has only served three months as Chair of the Center for Anti-Corruption Studies, but his work program is already incredibly tight, so I often receive invitations to open his events," said the Chancellor.

After the remarks, the event that morning entered the second session, namely the "Gender-based Corruption Prevention" Interactive Workshop. Acting as the resource person was Sjamsiar himself accompanied by Dr. Moch. Jasin, MH, MM, former Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission who now serves as Inspector General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion. In his presentation, Sjamsiar revealed a lot about the important role of women in preventing corruption. According to Sjamsiar, if a family head is caught committing a corruption act, it is the women as wives and children at home who must accept the social consequences. Sjamsiar also conveyed the findings of a study in several countries which stated that the higher the participation of women in preventing corruption in the family, the lower the level of corruption. "The role of women is very important because female characters generally have higher ethical standards and a higher level of obedience to rules than men," she said, which was greeted by boisterous applause from the event participants (downloads presentation material in here).

Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin memaparkan gagasan perempuan dan anti korupsi
Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin explained the ideas of women and anti-corruption

Meanwhile, Moch. Jasin explained about corruption and its causes. According to him, there are holes in the five state systems that cause corruption to grow in Indonesia, namely in the legal system, political system, social system, cultural system, and government administration system. In the political system, for example, Jasin highlights the election of a leader that cannot be separated from money politics. According to him, by spending funds for the creation of media campaigns that alone is in the category money politics, and if there are funds issued then there must also be funds coming in. "The main defense system in preventing corruption is from oneself, that is, as religious people we must reproduce it istighfar and keep the prayer, because prayer is a deterrent from abominable and evil deeds, "he said (downloads Full presentation material at here).

Moch Jasin menjelaskan solusi pemberantasan anti korupsi
Moch Jasin explained the anti-corruption eradication solution

Apart from presenters and book contributors, the series of events that morning were attended by family, friends, and women anti-corruption activists led by Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin. Apart from that, the lecturers and students of FIA UB from undergraduate to doctoral levels were also seen, especially those who have memories of being students of Sjamsiar's final project guidance. It was recorded that approximately 300 people filled the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor of FIA UB, where the event took place.


Coverage Team:

Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Photo: Hendrik Tri Laksono

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