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FIA UB. PR. Today, 24 February 2014, Universitas Brawijaya is holding the Election of Candidates for Chancellor of Universitas Brawijaya for the 2014-2018 period. All academics who have voting rights will flock to the Voting Sites which are spread out at 18 points throughout campus. Likewise in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences. There are 151 voting rights holders who will … Read more

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Jakarta. FIA UB. The opportunity for an odd semester break is the right time to deepen the knowledge learned in class by going directly to the field and gaining knowledge from the experts. That was programmed by students who are members of the Bachelor of Taxation Study Program Student Association (Himaprodi), Department of Business Administration, on January 19-23 2014. This time, the aim of the activity entitled… Read more

Lumpia Kriuk Represents UB in Independent Young Entrepreneurs

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Submit by humas3 on January 15, 2014 | Comments : 0 | View : 429 Lumpia KriukMuhammad Ferryal Ramadhan, a student of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) will represent UB in the Independent Young Entrepreneur Expo event. This activity was held from Wednesday to Sunday (15-19/1) at Istora Senayan, Jakarta. His Lumpia Kriuk business has passed the East Java regional selection and will… Read more

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FIA UB Academic Community Wins the 2013 UB Blogmetric Award

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Public Relations, FIA UB. The 2013 UB Blogmetric Award event is an award through an assessment of the best blogs in the UB domain to support academic activities, as a means of publication, communication and as a means of introducing Brawijaya University on the international stage. After actively participating in and winning a similar award in the 2012 UB Blog Metric Award (url: ... Read more

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International Journal Writing Clinic

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FIA UB, Public Relations. On Friday, December 13 2013, in the seminar room for the Business Administration Department, Building B lt.4, the Business Administration Department, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, in preparation for having an international journal, held an event titled International Journal Writing Clinic by inviting Dr. Rachma Fitriati, M.Si from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences … Read more

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PT. Scholarship Offer Nikomas Gemilang Year 2013/2014

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In connection with the PT. Nikomas Gemilang, we herewith inform you that the requirements that must be met by the applicant are as follows: Did not receive a scholarship from another institution/agency; Students who are in semester V (five) and will study semester VI (six) in early 2014; Have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00; Passed … Read more

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Inalillahi Wa'inailaihi Roji'un. Has passed away Mr. Syahroni Anwar, father of Mrs. Nur Imamah, SAB, MAB (lecturer of Business Administration Department of FIA UB) Thursday, 12 December 2013. The body will be buried today (Friday, 13 December 2013) in Singosaren, Ponorogo after Friday prayers . May Allah SWT accept all of his good deeds, forgive all his sins... Read more

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Activity Publication Preparation Training

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On Monday, December 9 2013, a News Publication Preparation Training was held for Managers and Web Technical Implementers of each work unit within the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya. This activity is held at 09.00-finished, with details of activities that can be downloaded at the link SCHEDULE OF PUBLICATION TRAINING ACTIVITIES ON THE WEB. This training was opened by the Dean of FIA UB, Prof.Dr. Bambang… Read more


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Inalillahi Wa'inailaihi Roji'un… The father of Mrs. Cacik Ruth Damayanti, S.Sos, M.Prof.Acc. has passed away. (Lecturer of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, Department of Business Administration) on Sunday, 17 November 2013, 20.55. May Allah SWT accept all of his good deeds, forgive all his sins and his soul will get the best place at His side. Hopefully Mrs. Cacik and… Read more

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Keynote Basics for Mac

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FIA UB, Public Relations. On Thursday, October 31 2013, still in a series of events to commemorate the 53rd Anniversary of FIA UB, Keynote basics training was held based on Mac OS X on the Apple platform. The training, which was held at the Center for Business Studies / Creative Business laboratory, Building B, 3rd floor, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, presented lecturers of Information Systems Management, the Department of Business … Read more

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