Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University (FIA UB) is once again holding an international scale event. The event entitled Guest Lectures This time it raises an interesting topic that is currently hot among academics and public policy makers, namely "Public Policy in Quantitative Perspective”. The main speaker in this activity was Anwar Fitrianto, Ph.D, senior lecturer at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).
Head of the FIA Public Administration Department, Dr. Choirul Saleh, MS., in his speech said that quantitative methodology is still very open to be applied in the realm of Public Administration Science. For this reason, he invited all the students who filled the room in Building A, 4th Floor of the FIA to apply this methodology in their future research.

Furthermore, the Head of the Public Administration Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. Lely Indah Mindarti, MS., students in her study program really need to know about this because there is not much research in the field of public policy, especially as seen in undergraduate students' theses, which uses quantitative methods in an effort to solve problems. "Abroad, this method has been widely used to solve public policy problems, whereas in this faculty it is still relatively new," said Lely.

Lely added that the FIA Public Administration Department has often held guest lectures with speakers from within and outside the country. This is done to realize the vision of Brawijaya University World Class University. Apart from that, with activities like this, Lely hopes that his department can collaborate with other campuses at home and abroad. "Events like this are very useful for broadening students' horizons," added this friendly lecturer. (ALA/FIA)