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Visit of Singapore Polytechnic and FIA UB to CV. Superior

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In a series of activities visiting students and lecturers from the School of Business, Singapore Polytechnic, to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences yesterday, Wednesday, 17 September 2014, the group accompanied by the Assistant Dean I of the FIA, several lecturers from the Department of Business Administration, and FIA students who are members of the Administrative English Club (AEC) visited a local company that has been considered successful in developing its wings … Read more

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Visit of the School of Business Singapore Polytechnic to the UB Faculty of Administrative Sciences

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Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya, on Wednesday, 17 September 2014, guests arrived from the School of Business, Singapore Polytechnic. The group which consisted of one accompanying lecturer and 14 students attended a public lecture organized by the Department of Business Administration. This visit is part of the collaboration that has existed between Singapore Polytechnic … Read more

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Taxation National Curriculum Symposium

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As a relatively new field of knowledge in the Indonesian academic world, taxation does not yet have a curriculum guide that can be accepted and applied nationally. For this reason, the Fiscal Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, collaborated with the Bachelor of Taxation Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, together with Indonesian Fiscal and Tax … Read more

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Staffing Meeting for Lecturers in the Department of Business Administration

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The Department of Business Administration today, September 1 2014, held a staffing meeting to determine class distribution for all lecturers within the department. The meeting was chaired directly by the Head of the Department of Business Administration, Prof. Dr. Endang Siti Astuti, and was attended by dean officials, all study program heads and study program secretaries within the Department of Business Administration, and all lecturers. In his remarks,… Read more

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FIA UB New Student Information Center activities

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Today, 30 and 31 August 2014, are days that new students of FIA UB will never forget. Yes, because today they started their first activity as 'students' by participating in the Information Center activity organized by BEM FIA UB. Even though they haven't been officially accepted by the university, for two days the freshmen take turns in platoons… Read more

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FREE COMPETITION WITH 75 MILLION RUPIAH PRIZES After successfully holding the 2013 Business Model Competition, the Business Administration Department of FIA UB is again presenting a prestigious competition that will challenge your creativity and analysis, namely the Business Model Competition (BMC) 2014. This competition will challenge you to design a business model with a tool that is currently popular… Read more

News of the Death of Mr. Dr. Imam Hardjanto, MAP

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Inalillahi Wa inailaihi Rojiun. Has passed away to Rahmatullah Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya Mr. Dr. Imam Hardjanto, on Tuesday, 10 June 2014 at the age of 68, address Jl. Bareng Raya II/320 Malang. The body will be buried after the midday prayer and after the funeral prayer is carried out at the nearest mosque from the deceased's house. The entire academic community… Read more

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Vote counting for the 2014-2018 Chancellor Election of Brawijaya University at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences

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FIA UB. PR. Vote counting for the 2014-2018 Chancellor Election of Brawijaya University at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences took place since the closing of TPS 3 at 13.00 WIB. The vote counting process was led by Dr. Choirul Saleh who is also Head of Public Administration Department accompanied by Prof. Dr. Endang Siti Astuti (head of the Business Administration department) and other election committee members. … Read more

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