What a wonderful world it would be if everyone only needed one click on their computer to get all the information they needed. That's what Dr. Rein van Charldorp in a guest lecture organized by the Library Science Study Program, Public Administration Department, FIA UB in collaboration with the State University Library Collaboration Forum yesterday (4/12). The event, which was held in the Hall of Building A, FIA UB, 4th Floor, was attended by representatives from national and regional libraries from all over Indonesia, representatives of library science study programs from several universities in Indonesia, as well as students.
In his speech, Assistant Dean I FIA UB Dr. MR Khairul Muluk explained that the abundance of information (information exploded) is a problem in itself for readers to sort and select the right information. Therefore, this requires a solution that can answer these problems, one of which is establishing a Library Science Study Program. "With the existence of the Library Science Study Program, hopefully we can produce librarians who are qualified in their field, so that they can serve readers to get the right information at the right time," said this friendly man.

In this international guest lecture, van Charldorp talked a lot about the changing face of libraries throughout the world due to technological developments. The man who once served as Managing Director of Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC) for the Europe, Middle East and Africa region reveals that the library is no longer a place full of boring books. In fact, there is a library in Amsterdam, Netherlands, which does not have a collection of books at all, but rather a row of computers and iPads ready to be used to access information. "The library is a pleasant place because it is equipped with a comfortable canteen for eating and drinking, a collection of the latest newspapers, and even a piano for those who want to play," he said.
Furthermore, van Charldorp also introduced what it was Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) to more than 400 participants who took part in the event. He explained that OCLC is a non-profit organization that brings together the online catalogs of a number of libraries around the world in the form of a master catalog called WorldCat. The existence of WorldCat from OCLC will make it easier to access information spread throughout the world, and can reduce costs incurred by libraries. The mission of OCLC itself is to connect people around the world to be able to access knowledge through library collaboration. Meanwhile, the vision is that libraries in the world will become connected. Van Charldorp enthusiastically convinced the participants to join and become OCLC members. "There are already 72,000 libraries throughout the world consisting of national libraries, university libraries, public libraries, special libraries and several school libraries that are part of WorldCat OCLC," he explained. (ALA/MRH/FIA)