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Discussing the Problems of TKI at FIA UB, Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Malaysia Reveals a New Mindset in Manpower Management

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All the heartbreaking problems related to our migrant workers abroad would not have happened if we could change the old mindset that actually weakened us. This statement was made by Hermono, Indonesian Deputy Ambassador to Malaysia, while attending a Focus Group Discussion on Indonesian Manpower Management, Friday (5/12). Activities organized by the Department of Public Administration... Read more

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OCLC Director Shares Knowledge of Library Management in International Guest Lecture at FIA UB

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What a wonderful world if everyone needed just one click on their computer to get all the information they need. That's what Dr. Rein van Charldorp in a guest lecture organized by the Library Science Study Program, Department of Public Administration, FIA UB in collaboration with the State University Library Cooperation Forum yesterday (4/12). Program … Read more

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FIA UB Examines Public Participation in Government by Inviting Experts from Malaysia

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Currently, almost all governments in the world have opened the door to public participation in their policies. This is done so that the resulting policies can reflect the will of the people for the fate of their own nation. That is the current global trend explained by Dr. Halimah Abdul Manaf in the Guest Lecture event with the theme "Initiative Assessment of Public Participation... Read more

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Discussing The Indonesian Labor Problem at FIA UB, Vice Ambassador of Indonesia in Malaysia Unfolded A New Perspective in Managing The Labor.

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Any problems related to the Indonesian labors abroad won't occur if we can change the previous perspective that weakened ourselves. Hermono, Vice Ambassador of Indonesia in Malaysia, expressed this statement while attending the Focus Group Discussion about Indonesian Labor Management in Friday (12/5). This event was organized by the Public Administration Program of FIA … Read more

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The Director of OCLC Shared The Knowledge of How to Undertake the Library in International Guest Lecture in FIA UB

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The world could be just the better place if everyone only needed a single click on his or her computer to acquire any information. That's what was said by the Dr. Rein van Chaldorp in the guest lecture that was presented by the Library Science Program, Public Administration Department FIA UB associated with Cooperation Forum... Read more

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FIA UB and Bappenas RI Hold Socialization of Public Private Partnership (KPS) Scheme in Provision of Infrastructure

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As an initiation form of cooperation between the government and the private sector, Bappenas and the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a Public Private Partnership socialization event with the theme "Socialization of Public Private Partnership Schemes (KPS) in Provision of BAPPENAS Infrastructure" on Saturday (29/11 ) Yesterday. This event is a form of knowledge sharing and socialization of Indonesian Government policies related to... Read more

Discussing the Law on Pilkada, FIA UB Invites DPR Members and Government Experts in a National Workshop

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Politics and Governance Laboratory, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a National Workshop which discussed a debate that is still ongoing today in the space of national politics, namely Law no. 22 of 2014 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors on Monday (1/12) yesterday. The laboratory which is under the auspices of the Department of Public Administration presents … Read more

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Discussing The Law of Local-Head Election, FIA UB Invited the Parliament Member and the Expert of Governance in National Academic Workshop

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The Laboratory of Politics and Governance of Administration Faculty of Brawijaya University held a National Academic Workshop discussing a controversial issue in the national politics, which is Law no. 22 of 2014 about the Election of Governor, Regent, and Major in the last Monday (12/1). The laboratory running under the Department of Public Administration invited … Read more

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FIA: Presenting Indonesia's Youth Inspirational Talkshow, BEM (Student Executive Council) Invited Bima Arya and Exceptional Youth

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The important role of youth, especially college students, in the success of the leadership of the nation in the coming future is undeniable. To impulse the creativity of the students while they are still in their spring time, The Student Executive Council from The Faculty of Administration of Brawijaya University (BEM FIA UB) presented a … Read more

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