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FIA UB Holds SOP Preparation Workshop to Improve Services to Academic Community

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In order to improve the quality of service at FIA UB, the Master of Public Administration Program held a workshop on "Compilation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Government Agencies at the UB Faculty of Administrative Sciences". The event which was held at the Zam Zam Hotel, Batu, on Saturday-Sunday (23-24/5) presented SOP Expert Lukman Setiawan and was attended by all sub-section heads and heads of affairs in each work unit... Read more

Holds National Guest Lecture, S1 Library Science Study Program Prepares Professional Librarians Ahead of MEA 2015

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In today's era of rapid development of technology and information, as well as with the imminent implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the challenges faced by information professionals or librarians are even greater. This is an interesting discussion in the national guest lecture entitled "Strategies, Challenges and Opportunities for Information Professionals in Facing MEA" which... Read more

Reply Visit, Universiti Utara Malaysia Strengthens Cooperation with FIA UB

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Dean of the School of Government, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Dr. Zaheruddin Othmar and the team made a return visit to FIA UB, Monday (25/5). They were warmly welcomed by the Dean of FIA Prof. Bambang Supriyono and the faculty leadership. The two parties discussed the continuation of the collaboration that had been well established between the two parties, one of which was the existence of an international apprenticeship program... Read more

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Update Steps Toward an International Vision, the Master of Public Administration Program Holds Discussions on Vision and Mission Formulation

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In order to realize the vision of becoming an international standard campus, all study programs within the scope of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) are competing to improve the quality of their services. One of them is the Master of Public Administration Program. Last Thursday (21/5), the program held an activity 'Formulation of the Vision and Mission of the Master of Public Administration Program' to update the steps going forward. In … Read more

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Dean of FIA UB Gives Public Lecture at Universiti Utara Malaysia

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Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS was honored by Universiti Utara Malaysia to give a public lecture to students there. The activity, which was centered at the College of Law, Government, and International Studies (COLGIS), was attended by UUM students and included students of the Public Administration Study Program who were doing an international internship for two weeks … Read more

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Roadshow The NextDev Telkomsel Encourages Students to Solve Urban Problems with Technology

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The development of science and technology has encouraged the emergence of new concepts in structuring human life for the better. One of these concepts is a smart city, namely the concept of urban planning by integrating technology in all aspects including government, population, health, education and transportation. So that people living in the city can improve their welfare,... Read more

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Audience of FIA UB Leaders and DPM Agreed on Uniting Vision for a Successful FIA

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In order to coordinate the implementation of student activities, the leadership of FIA UB held an audience with the Student Representative Council (DPM), Wednesday (20/5). At the meeting, the leadership provided an explanation of several complaints submitted by student organizations at FIA UB regarding facilities and academic problems. A number of FIA UB leadership elements also attended the event, including the Head of the Administration Department... Read more

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Hermawan Kartajaya: Make Consumers WOW Your Products So They Are Loyal

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Local businesses must be able to compete competitively with businesses from Southeast Asia ahead of the entry into force of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) at the end of 2015. At the very least, they must master the WOW concept initiated by an international marketing expert from Indonesia, Hermawan Kartajaya. This presentation of the WOW concept was delivered by Hermawan Kartajaya in a Public Lecture at FIA UB... Read more

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Developing an International Insight, Public Administration Department Holds International Student Internship in Malaysia

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With the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, students' insight as agents of change in the future should not only be limited to the national scope but also internationally, at least in the ASEAN region. This is what underlies the strategic collaboration between FIA UB and Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) in organizing joint activities, one of which is... Read more

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Chairman of the Information Commission: Public Agencies Must Implement the Mandate of the Public Information Disclosure Law

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In the current era of technology and information, openness of information has become something that is non-negotiable. All organizations that have the status of public bodies, meaning that the organization is funded by the state budget, are required to implement information disclosure to the public. Thus, the level of community participation in the running of public services becomes greater, especially in terms of monitoring the performance of public bodies. … Read more

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