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Study Excursion, Himabis Visits a Tourism School in Bali

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The 2015 Himabis Study Excursion was held on 17-21 November 2015 with the aim of going to Surabaya and Bali. This year's Himabis Excursion Study was attended by 80 student participants consisting of various majors, most of whom were students of business administration, taxation, and tourism business study programs. On November 17, 2015, all excursion study participants departed for Surabaya … Read more

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Malaysian Students Participate in International Internship at FIA UB

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Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held an "International Internship" on Thursday (12/11) to Monday (16/11). In this internship activity, as many as 20 students from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) had the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the world of education in Indonesia, especially at FIA UB. The event began with an "Opening Ceremony" which was attended by faculty leaders and all apprentices… Read more

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Handover of Positions in FIA UB Work Unit as of October 2015

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) this afternoon (2/11) held a Handover of Positions in several faculty work units. This rotation is done for refreshment in order to improve the quality of education implementation in FIA UB. In addition, rotation is also carried out to fill several vacant positions due to the death of old officials. Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS … Read more

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Collaboration with Bappenas RI, FIA UB Holds First Planner Functional Training

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In collaboration with Pusbindiklatren Bappenas RI, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held the First Planner Functional Training. In the activity which will last for seven weeks, there are two groups listed as participants in the activity, each staff from government agencies under the coordination of the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency and from the RI POM Agency. A total of 38… Read more

Handover Position in FAS UB October 2015

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This afternoon, November 2, FAS UB held a handover position in several units of the faculty. The purpose of the handover was to refresh and improve the quality of education services in FAS UB. Another purpose was to fill some vacant positions because the former employees in that position had passed away. Rendra Eko WIsmanu is … Read more

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Collaborating with the State Ministry of National Development Planning Agency, FAS UB held The First Planning Functional Training

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Working together with the Construction, Education and Training Center of the State Ministry of National Development Planning Agency, FAS UB held the first functional training on planning. The planning lasted for 7 (seven) weeks and 38 participants from different cities all over Indonesia were divided into 2 (two) cohorts. The participants were the employees of … Read more

Himapajak Holds Tax Planning Competition 2015

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Taxation is one of the most important sectors for a country's income. The role of the community, students and students is needed for the progress of Indonesia's current income. Therefore, the Taxation Student Association (Himapajak) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) in collaboration with various parties held a competition event for national level students to hone young people to … Read more

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Hustler Preparation Class with Ei Lab

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Ei Lab is again holding its routine class, the Hustler Preparation Class. This activity was held on Thursday 15 October 2015 & Friday 16 October 2015 at 15.00 at the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Laboratory lt 3 FIA. This activity is a continuation of the previous class. Last May, Ei Lab held a Business Model Canvas Class which was an introduction to … Read more

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Guest Lecture on Taxation Completed Dwelling Time

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FIA UB Tax Study Program held a guest lecture with the main topic "Dwelling Time", Wednesday (21/10). The event which raised an issue that was currently hot in the community was the result of a collaboration between the Taxation Study Program and the Customs and Excise Service Office (KPP-BC) Middle Type Customs (TMP) Tanjung Perak. The event was held in the Hall of Building A Floor 4 FIA … Read more

Taxation Guest Lecture on Dwelling Time

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Taxation Program Faculty of Administrative Science of University of Brawijaya held a guest lecture entitled “Dwelling Time” on Monday, October 21. Efrizal, the head of the Customs and Excise Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, was the speaker on the occasion. Students of taxation program and some lecturers of FAS UB, especially those whose classes are related to taxation, … Read more

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