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Iftar with the Big Family of FIA UB

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) continues the tradition in the month of Ramadhan by holding an "Iftar with the Big Family of FIA UB", Monday (13/6). The event, which was centered at the basement prayer room, was attended by lecturers, educational staff, and their families. While waiting for the time to break the fast, the audience listened to the spiritual sermon delivered by Ust. Luthfi Fauzan, M.Pd. In his remarks,… Read more

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Minister of Environment and Forestry's visit to FIA UB

Minister of Environment and Forestry Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya Bakar visited the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), Saturday (4/6). Siti's arrival was in order to attend the Doctoral Dissertation Examination on behalf of Ir. Bambang Hendroyono, MM as a member of the Board of Examiners. Bambang himself is none other than the Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry who … Read more

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2016 Curriculum RPS Workshop on the Tax Study Program

The Tax Study Program held a "2016 Curriculum Semester Learning Plan (RPS) Workshop" on 27-28 May 2016. The event which was held at the Horison Ultima Batu Hotel was attended by 55 lecturers supporting all subjects in the Tax Study Program. All participants are asked to prepare a Semester Learning Plan (RPS) which includes a description of activities for 16 face-to-face meetings … Read more

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Comparative Study of FISIP, Padjadjaran University to the Department of Business Administration

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Four officials from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Padjadjaran attended the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), Wednesday (11/5). The delegation from Bandung was present in Malang for a comparative study on the management of business administration study programs with the Business Administration Department of FIA UB. The guests from Padjadjaran University were welcomed by the Dean … Read more

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Release of International Internship Program to Universiti Utara Malaysia

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The Public Administration Study Program held an event "Departure of International Student Internships", Thursday (28/4). The event which was held in Seminar Room Building B, FIA UB, 2nd Floor, was also attended by the Chancellor of Universitas Brawijaya, the Director of the International Office, and the ranks of leaders and lecturers in the Department of Public Administration. This event was held to mark the start of an international internship program that was attended by… Read more

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Visit of Victoria University Professor, Discuss Cooperation with FIA UB

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) received a visit from two professors from Victoria University, Australia. They are Prof. Helen Borland (Dean of Graduate Research) and Prof. Ron Adams (Professional Research Fellow). Both of them were present at FIA UB to discuss projected collaboration between the two institutions in the fields of education and research. Also present at the meeting… Read more

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Marketing 3.0, a Love and Trust-based Marketing Approach in the style of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

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For those who have heard or even watched the latest Superman vs. Batman certainly knows that this is a film that tells the story of the fight between two heroes in the superhero universe. Superman and Batman, two favorite defenders of truth, now have to face each other, show each other their strength. However, when planet Earth is presented with a threat greater than selfishness... Read more

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Two Teams of FIA UB Students Pass to the 2016 International Business Model Competition

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Good news coming from the United States. Two teams headed by students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) have passed the selection and are entitled to take part in the 2016 International Business Model Competition (IBMC). The two teams are Beetech, which consists of Muhammad Ilham Akbar, Satrio Tegar Sadewo, Ani Atul Arif , and Allan Dwi Pranata, and LocKay, who … Read more

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2016 Curriculum Workshop for Bachelor of Taxation Study Program

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Bachelor of Taxation Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), held a Curriculum Workshop, Monday (4/4). The event, which was centered in the Seminar Room, Building B, FIA UB, 2nd Floor, aims to evaluate the curriculum that has been running for the past five years, as well as make some necessary changes to welcome the next five year period. Program … Read more

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Facing MEA: Malaysia is Rising, Thailand Needs to Improve a Lot

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Continuing the collaborative activities of academics from three countries, the Public Administration Department of FIA UB held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme "Political Economy Policy in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand during the ASEAN Economic Community Era" (18/3). In the event which was held in the Seminar Room, Building B, FIA UB, 2nd Floor, present as the main speaker, Prof. Dr. Mohd. … Read more

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