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Chairman of HIPMI: Build a Business, Expand Network and Knowledge

Chairman of HIPMI Bahlil Lahadalia attended the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), Friday (11/11). Bahlil's presence was in the series of events "Brawijaya Start-up Action 2016" to fill the "Sharing Knowledge: Inspiring Business Session" session. In his lecture, Bahlil talked a lot about his experiences in building a business so that he can now have 10 companies. According to Sandiaga Uno's replacement as... Read more

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National Workshop on Curriculum Evaluation of Library Science Study Program

The Library Science Study Program held a "National Workshop on Curriculum Evaluation of the Library Science Study Program", Tuesday (15/11). This event was held in order to re-evaluate the curriculum of the Library Science Study Program to adapt to the demands of the times and market needs. Acting as a resource person in this activity is Prof. Sulistyo-Basuki, MSLS, MA, Ph.D (National Trustee of the Indonesian Librarians Association), Dra. Wina Erwina, … Read more

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Talk show on Business Opportunities and Challenges in the Tax Amnesty Era

Along with the holding of the X-Fest series, FIA UB also held a Talk Show "Business Opportunities and Challenges in the Tax Amnesty Era", Thursday (27/8). The event which was held in collaboration with FIA UB with the Indonesian Marketing Association (IMA) Malang Chapter and BNI was held in UB's Widyaloka Building. For approximately two hours, the participants, the majority of whom were businessmen… Read more

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Festive, X-Fest Collaboration between FIA UB and BCA and Marketeers

Education in the present era has undergone major changes when compared to education in the era of our parents. Currently, the development of technology and the internet makes knowledge accessible to anyone, so that the delivery of knowledge is no longer dominated by teachers. Therefore, students in the current era must continue to adapt to changes in technology in order to achieve success ... Read more

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FIA UB Wins ICSB Presidential Awards 2016 in the SME Development Sector

Universitas Brawijaya received the 2016 ICSB Presidential Award for the Researcher and Academician category from the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Indonesia in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, Tuesday (25/10). This award was obtained because of UB's real contribution in the development of small and medium enterprises (UKM) in Indonesia, especially in East Java. The award is given to… Read more

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Tax Study Program Discuss Tax Amnesty with the Government and Practitioners

FIA UB Tax Study Program organizes two national scale activities consecutively. The first is the National Seminar on "Tax Rate Competition in Global Competition" on Wednesday (5/10), and the second is the Limited Discussion "Tax Amnesty: Momentum Towards Strengthening Indonesia's Tax System" on Thursday (6/10). At the National Seminar on "Tax Rate Competition in Global Competition", the topic raised was... Read more

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FIA UB Wins First Place Vocal Group in Brawijaya Olympiad

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As many as 12 contingents from 12 faculties at Universitas Brawijaya took part in the Vocal Group competition in the 2016 Brawijaya Olympiad. The event was held on Wednesday (05/10/2016) at UBTV studio, UB Rectorate Building. Each contingent consisting of 5 to 12 people competed in musical arrangements and vocals in front of the jury and their supporters. Present as a jury... Read more

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Two FIA UB Lecturers Get Research Opportunities Abroad

“From the Netherlands With Love” One of the FIA UB lecturers, M. Kholid Mawardi, PhD who is also a researcher, managed to get a scholarship from Nuffic Neso ( to take part in the Sustainable Local Economy short course program Development (SLED), in Rotterdam, Netherlands. This program is a competitive program offered by Erasmus University, Rotterdam through its 2 institutions; The Institute for Housing and … Read more

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FIA UB Holds a National Seminar on Media Politicization

Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a National Seminar entitled "Digitalization, Commodification, and Politicization of Media Information" at Savana Hotel, Thursday (15/9). The event which is included in the series of commemoration of the 56th FIA UB Anniversary was held thanks to the collaboration between FIA UB and the National Press Monument, an institution that stands under the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. Present … Read more

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