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Sarjana's Program in Tourism Strengthens Partnership with Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia

(8/12) FIA UB Undergraduate Tourism Study Program has signed an MoA in terms of Research Collaboration with the UiTM Malaysia Hotel and Travel Management Faculty (FPHP) in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. UiTM Malaysia is a tertiary institution that is included in the QS World 100 University Rankings by Subject list with rank number #42 for the subject Hospitality and Leisure Management … Read more

PSIK and Administration and Archives Gallery Receives a Visit from UBPSA Assessor

(12/12) Administration and Archives Gallery received a visit from the Assessor of Universitas Brawijaya Public Services Award (UBPSA). This is a public service competition which is participated by work units in UB. From FIA UB, two public service innovations were proposed, namely SIMEMORI and SIREKOD. Acting as an assessor is Wawan Sobari, MA, Ph.D. The visitation was accepted and given an explanation… Read more

FAS UB Secures An Agreement with Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia

(9/12) The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya held an MoA signing with the College of Computing, Informatics, and Media, Universiti Teknologi MARA (CCIM UiTM) on Friday (9/12/2022) at the Canseleri Building Campus Shah Alam Malaysia. It was seen that UiTM high officials were also present, such as the Dean and Assistant of Vice Chancellor, as well as FIA UB represented by the Dean, Chair of the Academic Senate, … Read more

The DOKAR Program by Lecturers of Sarjana's Program in Business Administration in Partnership with Universitas Padjadjaran

(24/11) FIA UB Business Administration Study Program has successfully held a Lecturer Working program (DOKAR) with the theme of the activity "Digital Transformation Models in Higher Education Institutions: Analysis of the Influence of Digital Leadership, Innovative Work Climate, Knowledge Sharing, and Job Crafting (Study on Work Unit in Padjadjaran University Environment). The Dokar was held in collaboration with the FIA UB Business Administration Study Program with … Read more

Tourism Study Program Hosts E-Mobility Programme with Universiti Putra Malaysia

The Tourism Student Association (HIMAPAR) together with the FIA UB Tourism Study Program are the executors of the "Study Visit Volume 3: E-Mobility Program (Cultural Exchange)" activity. Together with Universiti Putra Malaysia, the activity aims to share knowledge, experience and culture between Indonesia and Malaysia. In addition, students from both campuses are expected to build further partnership relations after this. The event which is held… Read more

Educational Administration Students Learns Public Relations Management at Jawa Pos Radar Malang

(30/11) Today as many as 20 undergraduate students of the FIA UB Educational Administration Study Program are visiting the Jawa Pos Radar Malang office. This visit was carried out in connection with the development of theory from the Educational Public Relations Management Course taught by Aulia Luqman Aziz, SS, S.Pd., M.Pd. The visit was received directly by the General Manager of Jawa Pos Radar … Read more

Working with Government of Batu City, Educational Administration Program Implements the DOKAR Program

(24/11) FIA UB's Educational Administration Study Program successfully held a Working Lecturer Program (DOKAR) with the theme of the activity "Intern Learning System Planning, Control and Evaluation of Digital-Based Education and Human Resources in the Batu City Government Environment". The Dokar was held in collaboration with the FIA UB Education Administration Study Program with the Development Administration Section of the Batu City Government. This activity features several… Read more

LEAT Discusses 'Kurikulum Merdeka' with Public Junior High School 1 of Batu

(28/11) The Educational Administration Technology Laboratory (LTAP) held a Focus Group Discussion with the school principal and the teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Batu at the school. Several lecturers and students participated in the activity, led by the Head of LTAP I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu, M.AP., Ph.D. In his remarks, Gede hopes that this activity can be an opening for the… Read more

New Students of 2022 Inaugurated from the PKKMB

(27/11) UB FIA Student Affairs held the Inauguration of PKKMB. This activity marks the end of the new student orientation period for the 2022/2023 academic year. The activity which was centered at the UB Sport Center was attended by all new students. In addition to the symbolic closing by the Deputy Dean III, the event was also enlivened by the awarding of the best freshmen group. Several student talents and… Read more

Educational Planning Discussion by Educational Administration Technology Lab.

(23/11) FIA UB Educational Administration Technology Laboratory successfully held an Educational Planning Study with the theme "Implementation of Independent Curriculum Planning in Facing the 2013 Integrated Curriculum Transformation". This activity was also attended by the Dean of FIA UB Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D. and Head of Educational Administration Laboratory I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu, S.AP., M.AP., Ph.D. In his remarks the Head… Read more

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