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Announcement of Assignment and List of Attributes for MABA Arsanadi FIA 2020 (Saturday, 3-Oct-20)

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ANNOUNCEMENT It was announced for New Students Class of 2020, that the Assignment and List of Attributes of Arsanadi FIA – UB 2020 on Department Day (HARJUR), Saturday, 03 October 2020, are as follows: Announcement of Individual Assignment, can be downloaded here Announcement of the List of Attributes of New Students can be downloaded Here, thank you for your attention.

Invitation of Tax Science Study Program Students Batch 2015 and 2016

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Nomor             : 2902/UN10.F03.12.12/TU/2020 Lampiran         :  – Hal                   :  Undangan   Kepada Yth. : Mahasiswa/Mahasiswi Angkatan 2015 dan 2016 di tempat   Bagi mahasiswa Program Studi S1 Perpajakan Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi UB angkatan 2015 dan 2016 yang belum menyelesaikan proses studinya WAJIB HADIR pada acara Evaluasi Akademik yang akan diselenggarakan pada : Hari       … Read more

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