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Taxation Guest Lecture on Dwelling Time

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Taxation Program Faculty of Administrative Science of University of Brawijaya held a guest lecture entitled “Dwelling Time” on Monday, October 21. Efrizal, the head of the Customs and Excise Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, was the speaker on the occasion. Students of taxation program and some lecturers of FAS UB, especially those whose classes are related to taxation, attended the lecture, which was held in Building A Auditorium on the 4thth floor of FAS UB.

In the beginning of the lecture, Decy Arifiansyah, the head of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise East Java 2, stated that Indonesia's Customs and Excise were the third best in Asia after Japan and Hong Kong. He further explained that Indonesia's Customs and Excise has joined the World Customs Organization (WCO) of which headquarter is in Brussels, Belgium in order to maintain internationally standardized custom administration. With high standards and hard work of all parties involved, ASEAN countries entrust Indonesia as the ASEAN Single Window center that provides customs and excise services within South East Asia. He also added, “some of our employees are contracted to the European Single Window to provide advice related to the European Union customs and excise”

Penyerahan cinderamata antara KPP BC TMP Tanjung Perak dan FIA UB

Penampilan Duo Staf KPP BC Tanjung Perak


Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Photos: Hendrik Tri Laksono

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