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Socialization of TurnItIn Application by Head of UB Library

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Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held "Socialization of Online Application Utilization TurnItIn“, Friday (2/9). The event, which was coordinated by the Center for Information Systems, IT Infrastructure and Public Relations (PSIK) FIA UB, was centered in the Computer Laboratory Building A, 3rd Floor. The socialization was directly guided by the Head of UB Library Unit, Johan AE Noor, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Para peserta sosialisasi mengikuti arahan Johan Noor dalam memanfaatkan TurnItIn
The socialization participants followed Johan Noor's directions in utilizing TurnItIn

To the participants which consisted of representatives of study programs, departments, academic staff, and journal managers in FIA UB, Johan Noor said that UB had purchased a number of licenses to use the TurnItIn application and it could be used by UB's academic community for free. Johan said that the use of the application that can be used is the service of checking plagiarism of academic manuscripts. "UB has purchased 500 TurnItIn licenses and will distribute them to all faculties. Checking plagiarism in this application is more detailed than in existing applications," explained Johan.

Johan also mentioned that in the future UB will increase the number of licenses purchased up to 5,000 units, so that the benefits will be wider. "UB has prepared to buy 5,000 licenses in the future," said Johan.


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Article/Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz

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