Lecturer of the Department of Business Administration Performs Product Photo Engineering Services

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Guna meningkatkan usaha rintisan masyarakat, Jurusan Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) mengadakan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Pengmas) dengan tajuk Pelatihan Teknik Foto Produk. Dipimpin  oleh ketua Program Studi Perpajakan UB, Saparila Worokinasih, Dr., S.Sos., M.Si., pelatihan dilakukan untuk peningkatan visual branding dari produk para pengusaha.

As a community service team, Priandhita Sukowidyawati A, SE., MSA.Ak., explained that the training was attended by 15 participants consisting of FIA members, UB environment, and the public. "We limit as many as 15 participants so that later we can get the most out of the training," he explained. The businesses developed by the participants also varied, including food, hijab, bags, to fertilizers and seeds.

Para peserta diajarkan fotografi menggunakan teknik Flat Lay, yaitu pengambilan objek foto dari posisi atas. Dengan kehadiran Bunga Lenanta selaku pemateri ahli, para peserta dibimbing untuk foto produk menggunakan smartphone . tim pengmas juga bertujuan membantu untuk memasarkan dengan media sosial terkait promosinya  yang lebih efektif

Participants Do Flat Lay Practice

"We hope that there will be an increase in understanding from the participants about presenting their products. At the same time, we want to journalize the results of this dedication," said the lecturer at the Department of Business Administration.

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