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Shadow Puppet Performance of the 53rd FIA Anniversary

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2In celebration of the 53rd Anniversary of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, the Anniversary Committee held a performance of the traditional art of shadow puppetry with the play Wahyu Kaprajan which was performed on Saturday (19/10) at the FIA North Field. The one who was asked to be the mastermind was Ki Dr. Djoko Santoso, MKes (FK), Ki Dr Riynato MHum (FIA) and Ki Surachman, SAP (FIA).

The performance was lively because all the supporters of the wayang kulit performance, such as sinden and penrawit, were all UB academics, both staff and students. In his speech, the Dean of FIA, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS said that holding shadow puppet performances can revive the cultural potential of FIA in particular and UB in general so that we can preserve traditional arts which are currently being eroded by foreign culture.

1The essence of the story of Wahyu Kaprajan itself is that with the new government, the hope is that there will be blessings from the creator. Just like FIA UB's hope for the future, FIA will be more advanced both in the academic and human resources fields.

source: Prasetya Online

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