The four prospective deans of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) seem enthusiastic about explaining their visions and missions. With their own distinctive style, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono MS, Dr. Mochammad Al Musadieq MBA, Dr. Siti Ragil Handayani MSi, and Andy Fefta Wijaya PhD explained various work programs that would be implemented if elected later. The audience, which consisted of lecturers, representatives of educational staff, and representatives of student organizations, were equally enthusiastic about asking various questions about the vision and mission of their candidacy.
That was the atmosphere seen from the Campaign Meeting for Candidates for Dean of FIA UB for the 2017-2021 period in the Hall of Building A FIA UB 4th Floor, Tuesday (25/4). The event was held by the Selection Committee for FIA UB Dean Candidates to provide an opportunity for each candidate to convey their dreams if elected in the selection later.

Head of Committee Dr. Hamidah Nayati Utami MSi in her speech said that there are three stages that must be passed to determine the new dean for the 2017-2021 period, namely selection (voting), consideration by the senate, and ratification by the UB Chancellor. According to Hamidah, the Campaign Meeting is part of the screening phase which is planned to be held on Friday, April 28 2017. "The task of the committee is to organize the screening to convey the results to the FIA UB Senate. The rest is the duty and authority of the Senate to propose deans to be appointed by the Chancellor later," said the lecturer at the Department of Business Administration.

Furthermore, Hamidah explained that the task of the Selection Committee is different from the General Election Commission (KPU). According to him, the organizers of the selection are actually faculties, so the committee only serves as a technical executor. Thus, according to Hamidah, the Selection Committee is only limited to carrying out the regulations and procedures for publication that have been regulated by the Senate of FIA UB. "It's different from the KPU which has great authority in holding a regional or state head election," explained the woman who once served as Head of UB's Archives Unit.