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Audience of FIA UB Leaders and DPM Agreed on Uniting Vision for a Successful FIA

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In order to coordinate the implementation of student activities, the leadership of FIA UB held an audience with the Student Representative Council (DPM), Wednesday (20/5). At the meeting, the leadership provided an explanation of several complaints submitted by student organizations at FIA UB regarding facilities and academic problems. A number of FIA UB leadership elements also attended the event, including the Head of the Public Administration Department, the Head of the Business Administration Department, the Head of the Bachelor of Business Administration Study Program, and the Head of Administration who was accompanied by the head of the sub-division in his line of coordination. A number of representatives from 17 autonomous faculty institutions and student associations at FIA UB also attended the event.

Audiensi Pimpinan FIA dan DPM
FIA and DPM Leadership Audience

Responding to various complaints submitted by students, Assistant Dean I Dr. MR Khairul Muluk, M.Si said that basically the science of administration itself was born from efforts to achieve goals accompanied by limited resources. These resources include people, budget, and space. “The faculty also wants many things, but the resources are not sufficient. "At times like these, we must apply the principles of administrative science to manage what already exists well," he stressed.

Meanwhile, Head of Bachelor of Business Administration Study Program, Dr. Wilopo, M.AB emphasized that students and lecturers are working partners who must work together in facing the big challenges ahead. According to him, now students and lecturers should not think about trivial problems that can actually be resolved well internally. "The challenges ahead are quite big, that's why we all need to build a shared vision for the future development of FIA," he said while reminiscing a little about his life when he was a campus activist several years ago. (ALA/FIA)

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